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"That's a good point - you could never have such a permissive culture
that people wouldn't find a way to seek the thrill of transgression."

The first one of these is pretty good, and then you realize there are 31 more with nowhere else to take the joke to.

I guess one laugh in a 98-minute comedy is what it takes to separate a D- from an F.

Oh, absolutely. As Jeff Goldblum and the guy who wrote "Buttmachine" will tell you, just because you can, it doesn't mean you should.

Ah, found it. "Miracle on Evegreen Terrace," season 9. Marge finished with -$5,200… which is still a better score than Stephanie got last night.

This happened to Marge in an episode of the Simpsons. Trebek came after her with some heavies and she ran for it. One of my favorite random moments from that show.

I sat down and figured out what the best possible score in Jeopardy! would look like. For the first round, that would mean one contestant answering the 29 regular clues correctly, then getting the Daily Double last, betting it all and getting it right. The Daily Doubles are randomly positioned, but the best-case

I feel like this essay explained the subjects it brought up but did little comparison and didn't draw much in the way of conclusion.

I was fairly active in the Pratchett fan community (and fan fiction community) over a decade ago. I remember there was one site that let users vote on the extant Discworld books. That wasn't odd in and of itself, but it had two lists, best and worsts - and Small Gods topped both of them.

Guards! Guards! is often cited as a common entry point, and it's a good one. In my case, they had three Pratchett books in the bookstore at about this time of year in 2002, and I simply happened to grab that one.

Screw common sense, I think this is great.

I don't remember a reference to Roddenberries when I saw this episode; I remember it being Howard Johnson's. Am I misremembering, or did they change it? Since Howard Johnson's is down to like two restaurants it'd make sense to pull that joke.

You get a dunce visor.

To be fair, in this case they were both. A long take is almost always a tracking shot because otherwise the number of things you can do is drastically curtailed. Look at Criswell's opening at the beginning of "Plan 9" for an example of what a non-tracking long take feels like.

This is the best HateSong ever.

I don't think I've ever read an AV Club article I disagreed with completely, but I do with this one.

I really wish the yearly breakdown for the earlier years included a list of movies reviewed. I want to know what movie from 1899 passed the test.

That poster belongs on a VHS tape cover in the worst way.

The Churroboros is the quintessential why-didn't-I-think-of-that party food.

Here's hoping the upcoming installment mentions the scene in an episode of "Life with Elizabeth" where Betty White releases a lobster back into the ocean after realizing she can't keep it alive in the bathtub.