Pujols LePetomane

both of them were great, Motown was smooth and sexy, Stax was hot, sweaty and sexy.

Motown is/was the reason i never got behind the Beatles/Stones during the sixties. i'd do my teenage romancing to "My Girl" and the Supremes than anything those Brits sang. Much better to slow dance to. i'm old.

Motown is/was the reason i never got behind the Beatles/Stones during the sixties. i'd do my teenage romancing to "My Girl" and the Supremes than anything those Brits sang. Much better to slow dance to. i'm old.

RoundUp injected into a vein. works on 500 year old grapevines. should work just as well here.

RoundUp injected into a vein. works on 500 year old grapevines. should work just as well here.

man,you are one old and bitter asshat. i'm just as old if not older than you are so don't pull the i'm old card with me. he wrote square music and it was good. of course, the squares loved him.  he wrote for his times and was amply rewarded for it. you, you bitter old bastard prolly wasted ever bit of talent you ever

man,you are one old and bitter asshat. i'm just as old if not older than you are so don't pull the i'm old card with me. he wrote square music and it was good. of course, the squares loved him.  he wrote for his times and was amply rewarded for it. you, you bitter old bastard prolly wasted ever bit of talent you ever

3 movies at least, Sweet Clam
Bear Supremacy
Bear Ultimatum
Bear Identity
and the gritty reboot
Panda Legacy. 
Just change it to CIA bears from Nazi bears and its a hit. 

3 movies at least, Sweet Clam
Bear Supremacy
Bear Ultimatum
Bear Identity
and the gritty reboot
Panda Legacy. 
Just change it to CIA bears from Nazi bears and its a hit. 

A boardgame, but nonetheless: Diplomacy.

A boardgame, but nonetheless: Diplomacy.

seriously? even back in '74 EVERYBODY knew he was gay. except it wasn't called gay at the time.  c'mon folks. there was no doubt.

seriously? even back in '74 EVERYBODY knew he was gay. except it wasn't called gay at the time.  c'mon folks. there was no doubt.

Damn boy, 9 words that prove you are an idiot.

Damn boy, 9 words that prove you are an idiot.

you are a silly little man and i fart in your general direction.

you are a silly little man and i fart in your general direction.

ok, how many people were waiting for Federer to be exposed as a Blanc Mange and eaten by  old ladies so that a Scotsman would win Wimbledon.  too obscure? edited to assuage Precirrhotic alcoholic and his dogged insistence on accuracy. the world is a better place, bless you Precirrhotic alcoholic.