Laura M

I've wondered if that sketch at the beginning of Horny Horny Horny was based on a real conversation that Parker and Stone had with an exec. That song doesn't fit with the others.

I think I bought it at a Best Buy. It's been a while.

Is it sad that my introduction to Ween was the movie It's Pat?

Is it sad that my introduction to Ween was the movie It's Pat?

I bought the South Park Chef Aid album the day it came out. I have loved that album so much. Devo's Huboon Stomp is my favorite track from that album.

I thought it was supposed to be a clever changing of the word to reflect shit humor. Ya know, caca = shit.. doody=shit. Perhaps I was wrong.

I thought it was supposed to be a clever changing of the word to reflect shit humor. Ya know, caca = shit.. doody=shit. Perhaps I was wrong.

And the catchphrase that would sweep the nation: "Are ya having a laugh, boo?"

And the catchphrase that would sweep the nation: "Are ya having a laugh, boo?"

Oh if only Billith were Q. We shall never be so lucky. That would require Billith to have the best reparté and be awesome.

Oh if only Billith were Q. We shall never be so lucky. That would require Billith to have the best reparté and be awesome.

If only he can get Pete Holmes and T.J. Miller on the show together more often. I don't see how people find them annoying, and I love them together.

If only he can get Pete Holmes and T.J. Miller on the show together more often. I don't see how people find them annoying, and I love them together.

Zjelko's character is dead. Russell killed him after the Magister declared Russell and Sophie-Anne husband and wife, if I recall correctly.

Zjelko's character is dead. Russell killed him after the Magister declared Russell and Sophie-Anne husband and wife, if I recall correctly.

Wow, nice find!

Wow, nice find!

Ah, neato. I live in Charlotte and have previously lived in SC. I've heard many different southern accents, but never the highly exaggerated southern drawl that permeates True Blood. To my ears, it's the accent that non Southerners do as an impression.

Ah, neato. I live in Charlotte and have previously lived in SC. I've heard many different southern accents, but never the highly exaggerated southern drawl that permeates True Blood. To my ears, it's the accent that non Southerners do as an impression.

Speaking as a southerner (NC), I think Arlene's accent is about as believable as everyone elses. Meaning, not so hot and super exaggerated. I think Terry has the most believable accent. Sam as well. Perhaps the Arlene/Tara/Pam/Holly/everyone else accent is closer to a Louisiana drawl.