Gottlob Frege

Wonderful, I'd never thought about that before.

Brilliant, bravo sir.

I'm surprised he isn't selling the code as a sound design app. Surely he'd make an absolute bundle of cash with an app that automatically reassembles sound in creative and unusual ways.

Which is worse, this or the Chris Cornell Timberlake-produced solo venture?

The writer's are being disingenuous, Whovian.

As you Limeys say, "What a crock of shit." Let's examine the facts logically:

I honestly didn't realise the av club did like the show. I thought the folk here just hate-watched it and appreciated the opportunity to bitch about it afterwards.

I didn't enjoy the final episode of the original series. Some of the decisions FU made seemed out of character or just plain stupid. He'd made cruel decisions before but never ones that seemed foolish or illogical.

This really needs more likes.

At least we were spared a godawful cover of a stone cold classic.

A Feast for Crows is a literary interpretation of Goya's The Horrors of Wars. With that in mind, reread the text and appreciate it for the masterpiece it is.

I have it on good authority that Martin is hoping to get over his writer's block by having the show runners write the final books for him.

"With Arya, her appearing older than she should be has an easy in-story explanation"

Bran is no ordinary warg.

What anime was that?

Wasn't J.K. Rowling's endgame that abominable epilogue?

They really got the incest right.

Perhaps by British standards. Not by 'merican.

Something something darkest timeline.

Do you want to know something really creepy?