The original post I made here was just an excuse to use html code.
The original post I made here was just an excuse to use html code.
Using my superior knowledge of British geography, I have concluded that you are a northerner.
Why, hip hop, why?
Don't be confusing THE Bruce Dickinson with, you know, that other Bruce Dickinson.
Why bother going to see them in London when you can just catch a show in, say, New York or LA?
I'd rather than that go the opposite route of undercasting.
But if anyone does ignore that sage advice let me be the first to say, "Welcome to the Gotham, Bitch."
Britain is a strange country.
It would be too similar to Person of Interest.
Shame really as that Honey Drippers drum loop is fantastic and would improve this track no end.
I fear downvoting is the new avclub trend. The last was the "gimmick account". I remember that reached saturation point, not with Pepsi Snr, Jnr and III, but with the numerous and lazy cookie monster accounts that had sprung up in the late months of last year.
What trolls? I've never once been downvoted. Long may it last.
"Estimated number of times “The Quiet Ones” by Oasis appears in the film: 0. It’s set in 1974."
You're too kind, Milli Vivaldi is to good puns as Windows ME is to OSX Mavericks.
The CBE is authentic though, right?
The Olympic Games are sacred. That they remain unexploited is a testimony to the compassion of the human condition.
Sonic is in 3D now?
I can't believe the A.V. Club is reviewing yet another children's cartoon show (Marvel's various shows, Adventure Time, Archer, etc).
Admit it, you want a full-electric higher-tempo Bon Jovi cover version of this.