No Self

You are right and this can't be easily unseen.

No mention of Kitsch, and I actually really liked his performance in that season, and it really was a foursome for awhile. Spoilers?

Wearing a potato on your belt, surely - twas the style at the time.

Ireland - where phonetic logic goes to die.

Don't think that's how the Irishman's name is spelled.

Indeed, he provided quite a bit of dirt.

Indeed, the unequivocal confession of a boy wearing a sweater. HOW CAN THIS BE ARGUED!?!

I mean, he's very up there in age, and of those hard-bit old timers, he's gotta be the saltiest one left. He can have opinions.

One of my favorite books and movies. Definitely sparked an interest in early space days that's carried me through other works, like a biography on Yuri Gagarin and a book focusing almost entirely on the engineers and managers of the Apollo program, Apollo: Race To The Moon, by husband/wife duo Charles Murray and

Daniel Simpson Day…has no grade point average. All courses incomplete.

That is an all-time "If I see this is on, I'm watching it til the end" movie. So amazing. One of the best depictions of a real marriage in a movie, as well.

He's dying to find out, too!

He's pretty solid but I think top 7 over the last half-decade would be a stretch.

Which, to be far, is way funnier than it has any right to be. I still guffaw at that "they're forming some sort of mega-person" commentary line.

It works quite well live, as does American Dream and one they haven't released yet, Tonite. I can't wait for the studio version of that one.

My Left Foot (wrote this headline)

It was a totally different show in those early seasons with him. He's a good actor and totally could've fit in with the gooey hugfest it became near the end, but his sarcasm and cynicism wouldn't have fit in well; mostly cause it was all rational and relatable, vs. Ron and April's cartoonish stances and antics.

Yeah I kinda feel like his default setting is retired, and every now and again interesting projects awaken him from his slumber and win him an Oscar.

Is that right? Then I guess I don't like that Prince did it, either. Purely a personal thing. I find it very annoying the way Tarantino spelled Inglourious Basterds, as well; just a pet peeve.

I really hate bands spelling words wrong for their titles. I love LCD Soundsystem, but ugh that irks me. Spoon also have a fondness for that.