No Self

God I love Banshee. The fight near the end of season 1 with the businessman villain (name escapes me, as these things are not important for a show like Banshee) was also quite brutal. As was the sheriff's fight against the Albino in the prison flashback.

Ah, Jeremy Renner's finest performance.

Oh agreed, but you figure it's deterring 80-90% of would-be crackpots and misc. people I have no interest in speaking with.

I'm all for old fashioned outdoors stuff and genuine human interaction, but when I was talking to my folks recently about just always having headphones in riding the subway, my Dad couldn't help but agree and wish they'd been more prevalent in the '70s. Sometimes you just want an excuse not to interact with the

Maggie Gyllenhaal knows.

Yeah I mean that's gonna be unavoidable with Murphy. He's a NY/NJ guy, idolizes the Velvets, Television, every other NYC group he name-drops in Losing My Edge. I think he's actually done a nice job of getting away from that stuff, the last two albums were quite melancholy and about universal themes. I don't think

Which means they're working! I know what you mean. I get very nostalgic with them, plus I've also worn them the hell out, it'll take a long, long time for them to feel fresh to my ears.

I started listening to them in college, which was right before Sound of Silver came out, and I think each album has been better than the one preceding it. All My Friends and Someone Great are still probably their top 2 songs overall, but I think the whole of This Is Happening beats SoS, which are both much more

2008 was a pretty down year for action movies, just by scrolling through the Wikipedia page on overall movies from the year. Dark Knight still doesn't strike me as an action movie. Outside of that truck chase sequence with the SWAT car, which was cool but not particularly interestingly shot (a common Nolan action

Didn't the John Oliver show do a very similar thing with creepy stock corporate photos? They didn't make it pro-fascist or anything, but essentially put forth the exact opposite message of the original whilst using the identical footage.

Yup, my least favorite part. I haven't seen it in awhile, but I want to say there was a shot a number of frames before where I thought - wow, they're going to end it here and it's going to be a fantastic closer, effective because of what was being implied. Then they said "screw implication" and showed Vader

I think that's right, and I also think that's fine. The prequels left such a bad taste in people's mouths, and Abrahams knew this, and so he went the safe but satisfying route of steering a preposterously huge and beloved franchise back on track. Of course this included familiar (to use a generous term) plot devices

If the movie's a seventh something, Max Von Sydow is in it.

Lousy Washington gridlock!

Can we retire the "if you don't like this movie I enjoy, then all you like is tired superhero stuff" cliche?

Prometheus was at least pretty, with a great Fassbender performance. I can't say I recall much of anything of the plot, but it seems like it takes a disproportionate amount of shit compared to what it is, i.e. a movie.

Gosling would actually deliver pretty hilariously droll narration, if they go that route again.

Why the hell do I like Fury so much? It's a weaker war movie than all the various ones it's aping in just about every respect. I give it credit for the Butch Cassidy-esque slowdown interlude, which I thought was nicely handled. And the ending, while visceral, is preposterous.

Plus The Counsellor was Cormac McCarthy's first, and so far lone, produced screenplay. The idea of not being in a movie written by one of America's greatest authors, living or otherwise, seems silly.

It's one of the best right turns I've seen in a movie. The strobe light (I think it is?) and that girl's little "Hi Charlie!" finger wag…ridiculously, almost Lynchianly unsettling.