No Self

That's a Colbert line, right?

That seems reasonable.

The movie you're in is a huge part of it, though. Ledger was incredibly nuanced in Brokeback Mountain, proving he was capable of such a performance. While his turn in The Dark Knight wasn't creating a layered character, I think to do so would have been wrong for the movie. TDK already had Wayne and then Dent being

Fever Pitch is very pro men

I love this. While I appreciate the irony of saying this in an internet comment, I do think there is value added to people not having the opportunity to say whatever they feel like all the time. News articles, YouTube videos, sports blogs, etc. Sometimes being forced to just reflect on what is being presented,

I assumed that was a nod to Stone's Scarface with Tony getting shot to bits and the "The World Is Yours" statute in the background, which itself was probably lifted from something earlier - likely the original Scarface (which I haven't seen).

I've been drinking Guinness all morning, so I really haven't the foggiest.

Didn't you just ask that?

The costuming is definitely a huge part of it. She looked wildly different when he popped in on her in the t-shirt and sans habit.

Crash hasn't had to return its trophy for NCAA violations, right? If so, and until further notice, it's Crash.

I usually watch cartoons here on the weekends, though this seems like a good one to catch.

Putting Frank Stallone out of work? Another reason to love Michael Keaton.

I feel like TLJ in Lincoln was basically this character but a few decades more crotchety. The man can deliver barbs like few others.

Honestly, I think it's that sax soundtrack. That plants it firmly into some neo-film noir LA, and keeps coming back to it. Die Hard's soundtrack is much more traditional, though certainly rousing and effective, especially any time there's a key explosion or person flung off the roof.

Yeah, but DiCaprio whined his way to a statue anyway.

I couldn't get Mulholland Dr. out of my head during both her fantastic auditions; likely not a total coincidence.

Hotter take: nope.

Is that honestly how that movie ends? That's dumb as shit.


When do Jack and Rose meet up years after the ship's sinking/his death?