No Self

If they go the female Bond route, do you even have a #2 name after Emily Blunt?

The Monster Mash remains, un-ironically, my favorite song.

They touch on it in the "Remake me!" feature from a few weeks back.

It added to the plot in that their appearances caught the attention of major characters who, while distracted, had misfortune visited upon them.

To each their own. I happen to think their more absurdist tendencies are a great deal of what define their style as theirs, like a lot of what I mentioned above. I haven't seen Hail, Caesar! but I am also in the minority of people who really don't like Burn After Reading, I think it's very stupid and just an

I liked the UFO bit. I feel like since the show toes the Coen's line so finely, it's not all that dissimilar from the random acts which might distract a character in one of their movies.

Yeah, people conveniently leave out LT all the time when talking about the Giants and integrity.

I'm a Giants fan and my Dad, while not a diehard, definitely seems to enjoy the team's status as a well-run, "classy" organization. I suppose that rubbed off on me growing up, but maybe it's being a generation younger, but I really never bought into that stuff. Even in the NFL alone, if you were a kid you could've

I always think it's Vincent D'Onofrio the first time I see his character in that movie. Every single time. I guess he's just a little fuller in that one.

From what I've gathered in reading about it, that's Peter Jackson's stance essentially. Some of that could be trying to save face, but I think higher frame rates in general look weird vs. what we're accustomed to, not that they're necessarily bizarre on their own. Motion Blur is essentially the explanation for why

I just finished the book in anticipation of seeing this, but the book ended up being pretty underwhelming and now reviews are mixed at best. At least I live in NYC, so theoretically I could see the intended format if I want, but that seems less likely now.

I will probably pass on this and just re-watch The Proposition.

Now that's a come-on!

Am I alone in thinking that Liberty Mutual has the worst ad campaign in years? Not even from an annoying perspective - they are - but from a comically bad misunderstanding of the product its purportedly selling.

Predator should be taught in screenwriting classes. Giant action movie becomes horror movie seamlessly.

The whole fight is great, and it alone is only 4-5 seconds so probably doesn't qualify as a "scene", but when people talk about (in features like Scenic Routes and others) about the best movie scenes of all time I always gravitate towards the "Get away from her you bitch!" reveal.

Sounds like you absolutely made the right call. And I didn't mean to be judgmental with that comment, more that I was just shocked that someone could do that to someone they know/see extensively, and more than once.

I worked retail in college so I definitely get the idea of being "in the zone" at the register, but not recognizing someone you're dating whatsoever is psycho stuff.


Agreed. For what could have been a clumsy sequence, everything from the counsel with Magua, Hawkeye, Duncan et al up to and including the *spoiler* showdown with Chingachook (sp?) is such a spatial success - lucid, clean…