No Self

It'll be easier for when this place is just no longer talking about AV stuff and it can be rebranded "Here's some stuff, like it, I guess, who cares?"

"One Tom Hooper movie at a time…"

Mr. T!

Gran Torino?

Yeah at the very least it's a hybrid. I think the Deus Ex Machina still applies, because it's a thoroughly ridiculous way to be saved from an otherwise fatal situation, but for sure it was telegraphed in the sales pitch.

I hadn't seen this before, and came upon it on HBO one morning while I was lazily getting myself ready for work. I was cooking breakfast and half listening but when he said the "may you live to be 1,000 years, sir" I had to step back from the stove I was laughing so hard. I knew it had a reputation as a goofy movie,

I don't know that that's necessarily inconsistent. What are the two you're referring to? I believe they say Bye Bye Man getting moved from Summer to Winter is a good sign. That makes sense, since fall/winter are the "prestige" seasons, so that says to me something in the horror genre which could've been dumped in

To each their own, but I love Keaton and think he's got a natural charisma that elevates just about everything he's in. Jackie Brown has been playing on one of the premium channels recently and even in his minor role in that he's awesome.

This seems like a reasonable discussion.

Yeah, I'm surprised that was a hang-up for the staff. Between found footage which purports to be the genuine article and obviously isn't, and "based on true events" movies which veer massively from the actual histories, I'm not sure why this is an issue.

I think you mean Nocturnal Animals, not A Single Man, which was Ford's previous effort.

Yup, when it's a dry time at the theater it's hard to go wrong with classics. They're, well, you know.

McGregor and Connelly are both pretty faces which I think tends to overshadow their considerable chops.

That's the image it always conjures for me. Salty dudes in peacoats knocking back beers…I want to say in a park?

At least you're consistent!

He was essentially the antagonist role in "Promised Land", a not great movie but one which benefited from his sort-of against type casting, given his character's late in the game occupational reveal.

He really understands Seinfeld!

Befuddled and Consternated was the working title.

"Say hello to the Devil for me!"

Are you suggesting Dirty Work isn't hilarious?