No Self

Seriously, the "Sister" tracks on that album are haunting. It's like Brian Eno filtered through Vangelis style synth, very effective for the recent style he's been going after.

And yeah, she was indeed awesome in that.

Super 8

I look forward to the eventual movie chronicling "Selma"'s brave fight for respect amongst all other year-end prestige pictures.

Yup, he's essentially a more tolerable version of his character on "Sherlock". I was mostly offended by how bland the movie was. It got into basically no math at all (I understand the argument against doing this for what you hope is a hit with large audiences, but really, the only thing they allude to is the

Just watched this on netflix. On your point about the sister's line, I get what you're saying, though it might have meant something else? Watching it I immediately took that to be the anger of someone who's been forced into a position they wouldn't have been in otherwise, which is to say, if Dwight had just been

Yup, I had the same exact reaction as you did it seems. Ending stretches believability too much, but the performances are really good and it adopts and maintains a refreshingly dour mood almost the whole time. It was like a feature length Band of Brothers episode, and I mean that in the best way.

He's legit in Training Day. Probably because they make his character, while (understandably) timid, still a force to be reckoned with physically as well as intellectually, whereas alot of his Linklater roles and others are him emptily pontificating, which can get old. I personally like him, so it doesn't bother me,

I can't tell if this is a joke or not. They're the same. To call one output a "film" to lend it weight and artistic merit is so goddamn annoying.

Fair enough, my mistake. I thought it was reformed in NJ, but it looks like it's still in the stages of figuring out what changes to make.

Wait, really? I'm not asking to disparage the concept, denial and/or psychological blocking (whatever the correct phrasing is) is doubtlessly that powerful, but I am just surprised by that. I guess they have to have done studies and research that the stored memory really is vivid and accurate, because aren't

Yup. I was having a conversation the other day about just getting interested in reading with a coworker (she was talking about trying to make reading a big part of her two-year olds life going forward) and I mentioned to her that that's obviously a great thing to do but not foolproof. I was read to plenty as a kid

Do we have the same friend? I was in a wedding this summer where an excerpt reading was DFW, though I'm pretty sure it was from "This is Water".

Madame Bovary was the first book assigned in my first semester at college, and through peer reviews, I learned the teacher of my course was notoriously meticulous and brutal in his grading. As a result (and being one given to panic), I read through that thing as closely as possible and was absolutely shocked at how

I finished "One Hundred Years of Solitude" I think on the day he passed away this year, which is one of those pure coincidence things I assigned meaning to for no reason. I liked it quite a bit, it had it's purely devastating parts, though the style wore me down now and again - the name repetition and keeping

Right, and I like that. If it's a conduit for getting people to expand their horizons in a positive, meaningful way, I'm behind it. Not everyone has the privilege to have listened to old Smiths B-sides in utero and started watching Bergman in kindergarten. If it takes a popcorn blockbuster to make you think about

I second that. Even to a much lesser extent, those "I F-ing Love Science" links that people share on social media. I mean, if it's actually turning a few people on to science and exploration and just learning in general, I'm behind it, even if it comes in a form that can be sneered at.

Agreed, that was a great finale to that weird little movie.

i'd think Walkmen might be in the running as well.

I definitely prefer them making movies.