No Self

I think you killed him when you left the door open with the air conditioner on. 

I was told to watch this by a few friends, and when I saw it on instant netflix I decided to give it a go, and I'm just about finishing season two now, I've found it's been worth it.  Some episodes I can't recall anything specific about, but other ones have me cracking up.  Mr. McGiblets (sp?) in particular is filled

Yeah, that's fair, obviously Snakes on a Plane and other stuff that generates buzz that doesn't transfer to profits need to be taken into consideration.  But you'd hope they'd honestly think, do we have any other shows on our network that would prompt this much discussion because we may cancel it?  If they cancelled

Well if 10,000 is the goal, let's rock.  It's unlikely, but if NBC is mulling cancelling the show and someone says to an exec "well an article on the episode right before the hiatus generated 10,000 comments", I think that would even make Chris Cooper's character from The Muppets give pause.

She's rather good in Martha,…., but it's a tense movie the whole way through, and alot of the time is filled with shots of her looking despondent and staring into the distance.  I'm not sure how much of that is acting vs. mood, but she accomplished everything she was asked to do, I imagine, so I wouldn't have

Didn't "Waking Life" get nominated for, and win, a bunch of animated film awards?  That satisfies the whole having actors, sets and people thing.  I wonder if at some point the Academy is going to establish a cutoff, or have to define animation better, for stuff like that, A Scanner Darkly and Polar Express (which is

Yeah, that's curious.  Maybe the winner is excluded and the top 10 is of the remaining films, and you merge them into a top 11 list? 

Not to mention there are two directors named Paul Anderson.  Who's gonna blink first!?

Not only stopped, just most effectively.  Diamond powered lasers: why is no one championing this?

I get older, these puppeteers stay the same age…

You're asking for the circunference?

Well he's a banker, so not exactly an accountant, not even a little, but sure, make that generalization.  Bankers do deal with accounts, and balancing ledgers, and assigning values to certain liabilities, but to make the two synonymous is poor judgement.  Also, he uses the skill to save only himself, Morgan Freeman

Or is just already famous.  Casting someone who can act, and then asking people to follow a whole MOVIE of her making decisions and choices, thinking those choices are good, and emulating is wayyyy tiring.  Let's just cast someone people already are interested in and ask today's youth to simply accept that whatever

Everything I've read about this movie has used the word at least once.  It gets thrown around alot when referring to The Smiths. 

Exactly.  I think it has to do with motivations.  On the scale of importance, human > animal is pretty widely accepted.  Although, as you used for an example, if a guy killed his best friend, there most likely had to be a reason.  Maybe there was infidelity with his wife, maybe he was stealing from him or setting him

Dogs are mostly inoocents, though.  Action movies, at least in the 80s, pretty much existed to introduce repulsive villains with the expected payoff that they'd get exploded in the final battle, and the audience can cheer that on, "you got yours!", etc.  Dogs, though, exist to pretty much be cute, happy and play and

He is such a freaking creep in Happy Go Lucky. 

It's called "The Spielberg Ending"

I'm wondering what his movies are going to be like without her now as well.  He definitely needs to be reigned in at times, and must recognize that, I'd be surprised if he does it himself.  Maybe he'll steal Schoonmaker or someone.

The choice of shots I think plays a role there.  Most of the time spent in Dorothy's apartment early on are intense close ups: Jeffrey in the closet, Frank huffing gas, etc.  It really immerses the viewer in these weird and unnerving moments, with no explanation.  By the end, the viewer (and Jeffrey) has a better