No Self

Is that snark?  I don't know if that's an actual cover.  This place is difficult sometimes.

Both John Cale's and Franz Ferdinand's versions are pretty great.

And there is the scene in Amadeus where he has Constanze translate his backwards language, one of his statements being "kiss my ass".  Plus all the farting.

Is that an alternate international title?

I'm not an A's/Giants fan, so I'm basing this solely off what I occassionally see and read about Zito, but from the past couple of years he's had a really odd series of things happen to him.  He's gone: Cy Young winning ace in Oakland -> In the playoffs a few times with A's -> Signs then biggest contract for a pitcher

-elry aficianado.  Har.

Is Block Island technically a theme park?

Persons denying the existence of robots may be robots themselves. 

That's a HOF BA right there.  As a BAC, however, I can see how that would be deadly. 

Kagemusha and some others are streamable on Netflix. 

Hey, Cuba floats!

Maybe it's been updated, but it says Director so and so, who worked with Cruise on Valkyrie, which is fine.

Eh nevermind, it's there. Went looking in trivia instead of connections, which would have made more sense.

I couldn't get verification from IMDB (rock solid, I know) about the movie connections between this and Dumb and Dumber. In D&D, the scheme of getting Seabass to pay for their food and bailing, is that knowingly lifted from Something Wild because of the inclusion of Daniels, or is that taken from a different movie

Jeff Daniels getting the royal treatment on Scenic Routes, along with Purple Rose of Cairo. I thought as soon as I saw 'Something Wild' that the scene was actually going to be the tonal shift at the reunion, that sequence is so great, you get Daniels really just cutting loose and loving being with Griffith, doing

It is pretty corny but definitely has its moments. The song is great, though. It had to be in order to carry an entire movie, but that's a major thing it got right. And Steve Zahn listing Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters as one of his musical influences is great. Aside from that, though, yeah.

Never take sides against the Jedi again.

With my computer muted at work, I like seeing the preview playing with no sound, cause the voice I imagine Rob Cordry continously saying "Damn, Damn!" (that's what he's mouthing, right?) is pretty funny in my head. I also liked the Dr. Who preview that played before this, if only for the 3 second clip of some guy

Pretty sure Van Sant demolished the chances of a major studio backing a shot-by-shot remake any time soon.

I have to go lift weights…