Yeah, even the stuff I really liked (such as Minutemen) is tainted by how it was published.
Yeah, even the stuff I really liked (such as Minutemen) is tainted by how it was published.
Sorry. It's not in the original series, but
Why is the Anti-Monitor watching ANYTHING?
I finally relented and read "Before Watchmen." It's interesting to see where this sequence deviates from the books, which of course came later.
It's a plot point.
Is Billy Bob Thorton playing James Carville this time, too?
Fantastic racial profiling, by the way. They target dozens of innocent people, and miss the person who both fits the profile and actually commits a crime.
I can't get past the fact that Judge Schakowsky is Lt. Richard Castillo from "Yesterday's Enterprise." THE MAN HAS SO MUCH RANGE!</genebelcher>
Sometimes you can see the wasted potential on the edges some pretty terrible shows. I remember Charmed having really clever episode titles that in no way reflected any other part of the show's production.
This is an okay episode, but the way it plays so fast and loose with continuity, for the sake of getting through a single episode, is why I mark season 9 as the start of the downfall.
I meant shady in a legal sense, but you're right. He did do that. F that guy!
See, as I remember, Eli was aghast at his underling for doing that, which you can read as either a) you can't do that because it goes too fat or b) you can't do that because you will get caught, but I think it was pretty clear Eli did NOT sign off on that tactic.
People with better memories, please help: Is this the shadiest Eli has ever been? I know he's modeled after our beloved "win at all costs" mayor/DNC hack, but he's still tanking a federal investigation.
Boners I didn't know I had: Sasheer Zamata as Lynn Thigpen's Chief.
The mystery arctic girl is giving us some of the worst line readings in recent memory.
I always prefer to believe that dancing in Destiny is motivated by love, or at least boredom.
Steve McNiven drew it, so yes.
I was disappointed that the article doesn't address issue 7 at all. On the one hand, it wasn't a story and had no connection to the previous six issues. On the other hand, that basically describes Marville.
Astron 6 is so subnoteworthy that the link to the review of Father's Day is actually for the 1997 Robin WIlliams/Billy Crystal movie.
Unless Alex is dead set on you using every weapon type, skip the fusion rifle. It's fine once you get used to it, but it has the steepest learning curve, and it's not a gun type you'll see in other shooters, unlike the rest.