@Jason Sensation:
@Jason Sensation:
@Jason Sensation: "Regarding the film's premise, Ben Affleck asked director Michael Bay, 'Wouldn't it be easier for NASA to train astronauts how to drill rather than training drillers to be astronauts?' Bay told Affleck to shut up."
Answering my own question: I should have pulled THE WIRE alarm.
I always felt the opposite end is equally problematic: Too many (or even one ill-conceived) death will take away the stakes, because why care about any character if they might die just to shock the fans?
I'm hoping that someone finds the happy medium between a consistent setting and organic characters. Or people just start making shorter television shows.
It's a little thing, but I loved that a Statistics professor said "What are the odds of that happening?"
The Fqll
Leo Bill's version of Darwin would be a better model for a biopic. Who would see a film with Darwin as ACTION SCIENTIST WITH HELPFUL MONKEY.
I have to say…
It just seems weird that Conan is taller than the bear
This seems to be the thread for registered folks without avatars to post their ideas.
I didn't like the comic…
but any movie that gives Christopher Mintz-Plasse a gun can't be all bad in my eyes.
Before you write any lyrics, Rivers…
…get Cruel to Be Kind's melody out of there. Or just cover Cruel to Be Kind.
I think Sigourney Weaver performed "Baby, It's Cold Outside" in an episode of SNL, and Haratio Sanz's SNL Christmas song was more-or-less played straight.
I'd pick the Projects scene from the second episode. That TV scared the fuck out of me.
You know who's right?
That cold open was terrific.
Rabbids are stupid
"The demented bunnies from the Rayman series want to go home. Because they are stupider—yet more ambitious—than normal rabbits, they decide that their home is the moon, and they decide to build a junk pile tall enough to reach it."
I cannot dispute that his Black Panter comics are shitty, but he's probably still more famous as a film director.
The Disco Spider!
I'm more concerned with how reshuffling the episodes affects the end sequences with Troy and Abed. The freestyle rap was first, then this one (apparently) but I can't keep track after that.
I think the brevity of the Fillory scenes further damn how tedious Book One can be. There's about a hundred pages of useless in there.
I'm with everybody else on this thread, but I want the answer to be They Might Be Giant's cover of "In the Middle" very badly.