Shadynasty Warriors

This is what I'm hoping for as well. As I've previously said, the show has done everything it can possibly do with Chang as a villain. That can't be funny again, mostly because it was never all that funny to begin with. If Chang has to be on the show, I'd rather him not be an antagonist.

I'm an animal lover. All my charity goes to Schroedinger's Cat Shelter.

As much as I liked the episode, the tag was a mistake. I never doubted that Changnesia was fake, but I wanted Chang to be sincerely trying for a new start. I'd prefer the City College thread have just been dropped by the new showrunners.

I never saw Beastmaster. I just wanted to be cool.

I love Britta in all forms, but Glasses Britta just… god DAMN. Britta for the win indeed.

Agreed. I'm sick of the character, so I feared the worst, but this episode was highly enjoyable. One of the better Chang episodes, though that's a bit of a backhanded compliment.

I hope you know Chevy didn't choose to do that. It's not like he wrote his own material. He left the show specifically because he's tired of doing jokes about Pierce's racism. I completely hate that I'm defending Chevy Chase right now because fuck that guy, but it's not Chevy just "play[ing] the more horrible sides of

Yeah, this episode was a B+ for me. The tag and the weird thing with Pierce's racist act bumps it down from an A-. (Side note: I understand why Chevy bailed. Not saying he isn't a dick, but his complaint about Pierce's material this season was a legitimate one.) It's funny throughout and the characterization is

So quit watching. Nobody's making you stick around. A lot of us are enjoying it, and I assure you it's not because we're pretending. As for every single episode being a disaster, that's just, like, your opinion, man. You're not superior to the people who like a thing you don't like.

Nah, he's too busy being a talking pussy.

This picture is missing a big red "NO."

Hate the Biebs. Worship JD above all else. Good song.

American Dad is streets ahead of Community's new lobotomized incarnation. In all fairness to Guacamole and Port, American Dad is better than almost everything else on TV.

Nah, those guys never settled on a name.

Gillian Jacobs is in this. I'll see it.

Gillian Jacobs is in this. I'll see it.



The internet doesn't hate Chuck Lorre? Have you seen the internet? He is certainly hated, and for good reason. (Though I'll confess to casually enjoying The Big Bang Theory. I've never gone out of my way to watch it, but I've seen plenty of episodes when nothing else was on, and it's harmlessly funny enough. I think

The internet doesn't hate Chuck Lorre? Have you seen the internet? He is certainly hated, and for good reason. (Though I'll confess to casually enjoying The Big Bang Theory. I've never gone out of my way to watch it, but I've seen plenty of episodes when nothing else was on, and it's harmlessly funny enough. I think