The Anachronist

… or you could just watch the "South Park" movie, which is itself an awesome musical.

There's an unusual amount of science in the Savage Love comments today. Unless someone wants me to start an anthropology thread, we'd better have a fart joke to loosen things up in here.

Is he in that? I like him.

I can get paid for yelling at my genitals?!? Please share!

These days she's really more into positrons.

She goes wild when I hit her Shift key.

How did Canada become the cliche for stories like that? Like, just saying she's in the next city over wouldn't be good enough?

"porn classics"

Owns a burger joint, has these weird kids…

None of us do!!!

… and I thank them both!

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Don't be such a Boer.

I find him and his smile charming.

"On Her Monotreme's Secret Service"

"You Only Dive Twice"



It's just a Love's now. But at least you can get decent coffee there while travelling the Jundland Highway.

"No one can be told what Aberdeen is… you must experience it for yourself.