The Anachronist

I know, right? I never understood the hate for those designs.

You're into some weird stuff, @Sexpressed Scott.


I also really liked the teaser for "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which perfectly sets the tone and has some treats for longtime fans:

One of my favorite trailers ever is one I've never been able to find since on YouTube or anywhere else.

Astralasia did a nice techno one that I use in my workout mix:

My deep and abiding love of "Doctor Who" is well known here, but I found that both visually and auditorially unbearable.

People only seem to endorse me for things I don't want to do anymore.


Gives a new meaning to "Third base!"

So why doesn't DC just license the guy to produce approved Batmobile replicas? Everybody wins!

I did that and was immediately arrested.

Not when you're as pathologically obtuse as I am.

I would LOVE a go-ahead like that, but I know it ain't gonna happen.

But do you have nipple clamps?

I might be. Depends on the young buck or lass attached to them.

I put a tiny bowler on mine.

I have seen "arrive" used for the action, which just sounds like you're showing up for tea.

Let me examine these sluts for 20 minutes or so and I'll decide.

"I want you to come!"