The Anachronist

"Hey, did you like The Forty Year-Old Virgin?"

"people who think sex=relationship"

I've learned a hard lesson from experiences in many workplaces: that comment or joke that just occurred to you? Don't voice it. Just don't. The other person / people probably won't get it (often the case with my sense of humor and the last couple jobs I've had), which will just make it weird, and may get offended,


I know your pain.

Well, women at various workplaces have said that to me many times, so…

(Whispers) Yeeeeeessssssssss…

Depends what it's a forest OF.

I'm a regular and I'M very confused.

Sweet Wafflicious. You don't need to fear the creature under the sea!

Gotta go with a land mammal for teabagging. Sorry.

… was she in "Knocked Up"?

I liked her eyes. I thought they made her kinda sexy.

I'm always getting her confused with that other one. Katherine… something… ?

I SAID toodle… oo.

[pedantic]Frogs don't have balls.[/pedantic]

I like 'im.

OK - this will meet my needs.

One could argue it lacks the quiet poetry of "Can't you feel my faded Levis bursting apart?"