The Anachronist

I've always gotta be a rebel…

It's definitely not that, thanks.

They saved a lot on rendering.

It's mainly flair. Just as how many men still feel the need to wear watches even though we have clocks fucking everywhere.

People I will accept pocket square recommendations from:

… but what do you think of "Amos & Andy"?

"Now, a lot of people out there will have heard the latest Beyonce single or seen Breaking ad, but it's not at all a guarantee."

I don't actually know what it is in dairy that's apparently causing me trouble… next time I go to the doctor maybe I can get tested for intolerances and find out.

Shit - as if I don't have enough podcasts to listen to, now there's a classic radio app?

Sullen, senile 70s.

It's never to late to comment and upvote at the AV Club, Kinch! Why, I've been getting upvotes on my "Mad Men" comments from two years ago.

MORE FOR ME. (Chugs.)

Mmmmm… earthy!

Right there with ya, BBP. I scoff at their suggested serving size. "HALF A CUP?!? Ha!"

Don't let that stop you, honey. (Leans into humping.)


I mean it will cause the kind of trouble that will not kill me, but will make me miserable for a few days.

Since I apparently can't eat ice cream anymore (well, I CAN, but it will cause… problems…), the beer would be great news for me.

Well he IS a teenage boy.

The bar scene flashback is one of the greatest things ever put on film.