The Anachronist

I had such a crush on her in the "UCB" show.

Most do, in my experience.

What, again?

I'd enter HER Lazarus Pit, if you know what I mean.

OK, I gotcha. Sorry about that.

… but enough about "2 and a Half Men".

"And the goddamned Harris Wittles tribute could have at least shown his fucking face so that the 99.9% of the world that isn't AV Club commentators could have known who they were talking about."

Just got to watch it tonight. Lotsa feels.

You get better at social situations the same way you get better at almost everything: practice!

Heh - "pull off".

… so you went out with him, right

Two minutes?!?

"Doctor Who"

I don't know that I had or have seen him in any role OTHER than Jamm!

I'm looking at the moon now. I see it has "CHA" written on it, but otherwise it appears normal.

"I Jammed your mom last night. Ho yeah!"

"… the introduction of regular adversaries (Jon Glaser as odious Councilman Jeremy Jamm, those snobs from Eagleton)… proved less successful. "

Well hey! It's been a while since I saw a spambot on here! How the heck are ya? Didja watch the Oscars?

They're hilarious.

The beauty is that you can cook along with the Katerers, which will lead to pooping.