The Anachronist

Shit, I'd see it.


Right? Can I just LIVE in the AV Club?!?

Can… can I be part of your family, MrsRedFox?

… which is part of what led to the decision to change the ending!

Jonathan Haze was also in "The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Journey to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent".

Opinions vary, of course - I've always found the original "Little Shop" pretty entertaining.

I got Harold Ramis and Eugene Levy similarly confused when I was young.

My own first exposure to Woody Allen was as a puppet in a "Spitting Image" special.

As I recall, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy were a HUGE hit on radio…

Downtown… there' s no rules for us
Downtown… 'cause it's dangerous

I built and operated the plant.

"Be My Baby" is one of the greatest rock 'n' roll songs of all time… OF ALL TIME.

Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, it's not likely to happen…

I just this year made an effort at listening to "The Thrilling Adventure Hour", and boy, howdy am I glad.

Both can work…


Gglllmmmmppph. I try! Aaauuugghmmmph.

Everybody I know has a big "but". Let's talk about your big "buts", AV Club.

I know you are, but what am I?