
Lionel is like a fungus, impossible to get rid of.

Only a B+? Oh Dee, you stupid bitch! That goddamn bitch!

A tiny angry elf who says things like "There's a time for hammer and a time for scalpel. It's hammer time."

I agree with Wes/Lilah, at least they're fun to watch. Also what little time Wes spent with Illyria was more interesting and I wish we could have more of that than watching Wesley pining on Fred which just is meh.

The only couple I ship loves to torture the other with iron.
Other hobbies include: taseing, handcuffs, syringes and catching bullets.

This better be real. Alex need to continue her love affair with ribs!

At least The Following is the best at being the worst.

He's on CBS shooting kneecaps, Tuesdays at 10!

Maybe next episode we'll see her eat baggels.

Shoshanna's comment about Marnie's song is so spot-on to how I feel about Sam Smith's music. It's fucking Stockholm Syndrome.

This book has been gathering dust on my shelf for awhile now. Finally got around to reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I'm halfway through and I'm loving it. I kept imagining Miles Teller as Wade.

I feel like her walking out and saying goodbye to Harold means she chose Shaw and would continue on her search without them.

I loved it so obviously ABC is going to cancel it.

I love the irony of Shaw being a sociopath and her not giving a fuck about other people but between her and Root, she's the one who formed really special bonds with different people. Her relationship with Root and Reese drove them to a killing spree. Finch who rarely trusts other people, considers her as a friend.

Root has a big smile on her face finally seeing Shaw for the first time "Hey Sam—"..BAM! Bullet through the head. Shit. That would be too cruel. That is Joss Whedon levels of cruel.

No dead lesbians here! Person of Interest, subverting all the tropes. This fucking show man.

They actually hired an actress? Thought it was some random. That must have sucked for her.

"I'm feeling grief. I can't seem to control it. I wish to do more violence."

It's bad?

That episode gave me so much anxiety. Root becoming more unhinged was so painful and heartbreaking. I love how Reese was letting her go to do her torturing rampage. Looking forward to see what will happen to her relationship with her god now that it told her to give up on the one person that matters to her. Amy Acker