
At least I've seen commercials for Extract. Unlike Idiocracy, the movie studio actually wants me to know it exists.

No regrets
After bailing out on the show after episode 4 and following along for the rest of the season with these recaps, it's looking like I made the right choice.

… and Rescue Dawn.

I'm approaching 40, and mostly what mine tells me is, "Ugh, please, not THIS again."

Do we still have any idea why Maryanne is targeting Sam specifically?

I'm guessing you guys in this thread have put more thought into this than the show's writers have.

If Sookie can do a hand-light whammy on Maryanne, I'm guessing she's going to think Barry can as well and track him down for the big confrontation.

If anyone on this show is weak-willed and insecure, it's moron Jason Stackhouse. And he seems okay (though he's been out of town for a while, perhaps the black-eye control thing is cumulative over time).

Saw it tonight
And thought it was excellent.

Exsqueeze me?
Dennis Lehane's book is most certainly NOT batshit crazy or over-the-top, or even horror. It's primarily a psychological thriller, in a quite literal sense.

I'm fatter now than I was in my 20s.

I always wondered if all those Helens were really Helens.

"But when I do make it back to the column, I've got a doozy to start with."

Now it all makes sense
No wonder women won't sleep with me.

Rock em, sock em archeologists!

Yeah, I saw Yellow Submarine when they released it in theaters a few years back. I'm a Beatles fan, but I don't do drugs, so I found it profoundly dull.

Yeah, I remember when Zemeckis made, you know, actual movies.

Isn't that redundant?

The Black Cat was one of the better MoH I've seen, and features the great Jeffrey Combs as Poe.

Rashid turned up in this year's "In Treatment" as the dad with the fat son.