
Ya I think the show works better when its more pure gags as well. It's hard to make a show I bet, with out relationship humour used to a good degree. if you want it to stay on for 7 seasons that is. my friend once told me if he had a friend like bender he would do whatever bender told him to do. It expanded my mind to

No trumpet no! Tom has it going on! Mission Impossible baby you know its going to be pure blockbuster entertainment. I am 100 hundred percent positive it will contain thrills, chills and romance. Tom Cruise in an action movie? Thats money you can take to the bank!

I will not tolerate anyone making fun of the Hoff I refuse to watch!

i like brooklyns finest off reasonable doubt and my first song off balck album

what are you talking about lone? blueprint 3 was number one on the charts he surpassed elvis for most number one albums!

also i dunno my adhd is flaring up. get out of the house for real today… get a drunk on i guess. thatll shut me up

no you can search it on the net its for real it was in the paper here a bit ago couple years is the mother a killer or mentally ill was the question raised by the reporter. ya i cant spell it.

I am sorry im flooding i know but i would like to make an annoucement when my friend gets back from overseas who has cold sores im going to touch them to try and give myself the sickness! then one time ill get to say "you dont know where ive been!" also any pictures you seen of people in pain from it are probably

ya this is one that just makes me angry because as scarlet said there are so many kinds and oral herpes (cold sores) is not even usually contracted by romantic activities! think of a kid who got a cold sore in jr high scratched it then touched their private area! should they live in shame the rest of thier life? no i

sry scarlet you already said that.

@slim Ya i got a bit angry. I had just got home from my buds house and was amped! Yes I also have cancer. BTW there is a vaccine for HPV, the herp med is Valtrex if anyone who read that guys thing and had the herp felt bad well Valtrex takes care of it.

also i have fucking aids so dont talk .

also fuck perry

People still operating off prutitan values put it in high school films to scare kids in to abstinance before marriage. its one of the most common viruses in the world like the flu you buying or if its a lie selling, a line of bull shit.

"that red spot… i did not catch my dick in my zipper polysporin? probs nothing." then it never happend again? you probably have it.

The herp is a joke. it is the same virus that makes you get cold sores did you know that? there are many strains. there is a medication to prevent outbreaks and spreding it. if you want it. but… you are the biggest pussy I've ever heard of in my life you make me sick. Go hire a hooker with a clean sheet then shell get

kick ass!

In will never set foot in Australia. Wolf creek was far 2 scary. The proposition was awesome, if you play it with the birthday party's albums on backwards it tells of bats.

wooooooooooooo slayerrrrrrrrrrrrrr

They better put in Mark Chopper Reed or it will never grow!