David Aaronson

All of his movie are great. His later films are less conventional than Badlands because his work has moved from being typical scene-based cinema to finding a new language where you can convey a character, internally and externally, through montage. There's a moment in "The Tree Of Life" when Brad Pitt is framed from a

Oh yeah. There ya go.

Oh yeah. There ya go.

Well, depending on the regulations of the prison in question, sometimes you're allowed to bring small food (like cookies or some such) into a prison visit. But I don't know, I'm just spitballing.

Well, depending on the regulations of the prison in question, sometimes you're allowed to bring small food (like cookies or some such) into a prison visit. But I don't know, I'm just spitballing.

Posted something about this down below:

Posted something about this down below:

Note the food foreshadowing throughout the episode with the lawyer. Ricin time babies! Better get those names, Walter.

Note the food foreshadowing throughout the episode with the lawyer. Ricin time babies! Better get those names, Walter.

If Jesse finds out Mike was killed, it is over for Jesse and Walt's relationship. Officially.

If Jesse finds out Mike was killed, it is over for Jesse and Walt's relationship. Officially.

I wonder what Walt will do with the body?

I wonder what Walt will do with the body?

When I read the ignorant poster
When the snark, the flippancy, were ranged in comments before me
When I was shown the daffy duck avatar, the screenname and the replies to flag, like and measure them
When I, laying on my bed, read the ignorant poster, where he snarked with much derision in the comments section
How soon,

When I read the ignorant poster
When the snark, the flippancy, were ranged in comments before me
When I was shown the daffy duck avatar, the screenname and the replies to flag, like and measure them
When I, laying on my bed, read the ignorant poster, where he snarked with much derision in the comments section
How soon,

I got an NCIS update for this?

I got an NCIS update for this?

*Looks at screenname*

*Looks at screenname*

I saw it; it sucked.