
has anyone brought up the idea that maybe Bob's just not that great of a con man? the conscientious seems to be that he'd never make a move on pete cause it'd fuck up his intricate plan, but maybe he doesn't have much of a plan, maybe he's just a moderately skilled and/or relatively new to the game con man who's kinda

….so by "real characters" you mean like old/ugly dudes? why does this bother you or strike you as unrealistic? it happens all the time. as far as i can tell by this post you must be either some middle aged regular schlub (i.e. fat guy) who is annoyed he's not fucking hot ladies or some young chick who thinks she's hot

in the book 5 epilogue Varys clearly states that that Young Griff/Aegon is more than just a Targaryan prince come to claim his birthright, he's a real person who's lived real life, who is educated and experienced, not some fat little spoiled brat who's only ever known a princes life controlled by his mother, his name