No love for Sad But True?
No love for Sad But True?
He was pretty fun playing her therapist boyfriend on Happy Endings. Although I was disappointed that he never said he wanted to dip his balls in her.
Wasn't the "You're a beautiful woman, probably" line because the serial's other villain was a presentably handsome man who turned out to have a face full of tentacles and an eyestalk? That's how I took it.
Anyway, "School Reunion" doesn't really work for me, which is a disappointment because Toby Whithouse has done…
The Edward Norton ep is the best so far for me, but I'll give Ms Germanotta points for interesting.
Yeah, having checked out a few of Milhiser's pre-SNL bits online I've been rooting for the guy, entirely aware that this could be a very Cubs fan experience. It was good to see him finally get a chance to break out. That routine he and Gaga had their kid doing looked like something that Alan Arkin's character in…
Peter Sellers is a different case, though.
If he were Lonely Island Samberg every week that would be a chore to watch. So far, though, he seems committed to the character as a character.
They should. Reddick is actually from Baltimore but never got around to guesting on HLOTS.
For Happy Endings there was also the bait-and-switch from USA. Thanks a lot, guys.
Just in case, we need something we can send to the network in protest. Ham sounds good, but I don't think I can swing the $6,000 stuff.
"Passage on the Lady Anne" also benefits from network censors being either lax or inattentive. At oen point Eileen tells Alan "We never spend time together, we never talk, we nev-" No prizes for guessing what that third "never" would have been. It's also abundantly clear that after she goes missing and he finds her…
Harsh Realm started at around the same time as X-Files season 7, and I think it was supposed to be reviewed in tandem with that season. Not sure why that didn't happen.
I remember something about that Emmett Till-inspired teleplay in Marc Scott Zicree's Twilight Zone Companion too. Apparently it was defanged entirely, taking out most of the race element and having characters out-and-out say things like "This is such a strange little town," so that no actual town (or region) would be…
Really? She seems cute and charming to me, and all through the early parts of the episode her husband seems like a surly prick deliberately trying to torpedo the marriage. Our sympathies diverge here.
A few months back I saw "I Am the Night, Color Me Black" on one of the digital sub-channels, having never actually watched it before. It did indeed seem pretty awful to me. I'll be glad to see your defense, though. Even if I agree with the majority on a certain work, it's important to remember there's another valid…
Ooh, I love concrete poetry!
Some of the episodes from this season I've seen before, but a lot I hadn't until watching them on Hulu to keep up with this feature. Makes sense when you think about it. In syndication The Twilight Zone is mostly given a half-hour slot, so you get a skip from S3 to S5.
The shots of the earthling flying saucer in the sky are a lot sillier, as compared to the realistic meteor storm. To be fair the ship is much more believable once it's on the ground.…, These recaps are aimed at people who've seen the episodes, so spoilers aren't really an issue. And if you haven't seen them, there's a link provided to the episode on Hulu.
Thomas R, you're right of course that Asperger's wasn't diagnosed yet and autism wasn't much known. Even psychologists of the time would be more likely to label an Asperger's case as a retarded person who performs well in certain areas. Still, to me the character comes off as non-neurotypical in a way that doesn't…