The guy who forgot to... um

I kind of wish that Heidi's monstrous qualities hadn't been so played up.  It's to the point that when she comes back, Eric's continuing devotion to her is baffling.  Of course I know a big part of this is that if you've been watching for the previous nine episodes, you're invested in Jaye's character.

I can sort of see Scott as Dhavernas' brother, though, in a yin-yang sort of way.

I want to talk a little more about Jess-Belle because it seems to be getting short shrift, in part because of the episode it's paired with.

There are a couple of people at work I feel like I can really talk to.  Otherwise I'm likely to be somewhat Charlie-ish.

I knew he looked familiar!

Guard: Goddam freaks like this are why I don't work at the strip club no more.

Barbara Barrie is terrif.  She helped Barney Miller out in the first season, before it had really found its feet, by playing Barney's wife.  One nice detail about Miniature is that of all the normal-size characters, Myra is the one with whom Charlie acts the most human.  Which speaks well of both Barrie and Duvall,

I liked Kellie Waymire on Star Trek Enterprise and I was glad to see her here.  It's a shame she died so soon after.

Keep in mind that before Matt Smith was announced, the bookies were favoring Billie Piper or Paterson Joseph.

The pressure effects from when they take off and land are pretty convincing.  Also the form-fitted chairs lend a certain something.  The crew made good use of limited resources.

Yeah, interstellar flight in a ship with a primitive bakelite computer.  It's quite the switcheroo to our contemporary eyes.

I'm not sure how long he was able to keep writing.  His first few stories in season 4 seem to be pretty much all him. That said the noises and psychotic breaks that afflict the main character in "In His Image" may have some parallel in his own life.

"Mute" supports both Zicree's interpretation and Todd's.  That's what makes it so fascinating, if also kind of a mess.

Agreed on both points.  It's kind of sad watching Martin near the end as he puts his faith into Klugman's theory that they can just leave because the ship isn't real.  Klugman means well, but he's not doing them any good.

Very incisive comment.

The car crash was a pretty good effect.  Mainly done with editing, I would guess, but expert editing.

From the cute extras they cast in "He's Alive", it looks like the Aryan movement of the early 60s was chock-full of fine women.  One wonders why Peter isn't pulling any of them.  His mentor certainly did back in the day.

Maybe it's an alternate universe where she took up ostrich riding instead.

"In His Image" does have one of the great openings.  I wonder if it was the first TV show to have a character be harassed by an unpleasant holy roller.  Throwing her in front of a train is a little extreme, but…

Hooboy yeah.  Season 5 has "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", although the latter came from outside.  It's also got "I Am the Night, Color Me Black."  If you haven't seen that one already, be forewarned you may not make it all the way through.