The guy who forgot to... um

"Four O'Clock" would have been helped a lot if its main character had some self control.  Crangle is just too obvious a looney tune for anyone to take him seriously.  Since he hardly has any power to begin with, it's less satisfying to see him literally cut down to size.  Well, I guess he can browbeat an especially

Sadler reminds me a little of Anthony Heald, who played Dr. Chilton in SOTL.  I can definitely see him fitting in that milieu.

I have problems with his character and his wife's after she shows up, but I'll hold off until we get to that point.

Should your life and I take pictures?

Facebook doesn't serve booze, though.  (Ball's in your court, Zuckerberg.)

I did one school play and a couple of semesters on either school paper or lit mag, but otherwise me too.  Mainly lack of direction.

I wonder about Gurney's reaction after the episode is over.  He's back, sort of, but now the woman who thinks she's his wife isn't the one he thinks of as his wife.  Now he seems to have been, as noted before, quite the prick.  So will he reject her and send her out into the cold cruel world?  Or will he show

Not really.  Those giants at the end will never even notice Craig's little people, much less want to dominate them.  Might kill a few by accident.

I can identify with Peter Craig on one level.  I wouldn't be happy about food provisions packaged to look like condoms either.

Kim Gordon is a surprise since her now-former band Sonic Youth never played on the show.

It's not "The Godwin Games"?  I'm disappointed.  I was looking forward to a loving family calling each other Nazis.

I guess on a less sentimental note, we can rejoice in the end of The Californians.

Emily Litella appeared in a few sketches.

He's right.  History has proven him right.

Going by the epilogue, someone should have called the cops this time.

Funny you should say that.  When the episode started I though Robert Sampson was Lloyd "Jeff's dad" Bridges.

This isn't the first site where I've read Disqus getting qussed out.

True, but Matheson only had a half hour to play with.  Something that Serling and CBS would change the next season.

Bill's fun.  During one of Ruth's freakouts Chris comforts her and Bill tells them both to keep it down.  I like that the episode lets him be a little deficient in social skills.  If Supernatural were made in the Kennedy era Aidman would have made a great Cas.

What I like about "The Last Rites…" is that it keeps us guessing.  Is he still Jeff Myrtlebank?  He seems to be.  He certainly takes it personal-like when his loved ones recoil from him.  But we don't know for sure.  Which means that for all it's easy to mock the Missouri hicks (I'm guessing that's what they mean by