Also it confirms, if there's been any doubt, that Scully can still get a rise out of teenage boys.
Also it confirms, if there's been any doubt, that Scully can still get a rise out of teenage boys.
It's taken the show longer to find the funny in Dave, but I think they're getting a handle on him. He's basically a huge wuss, but he doesn't look it and he's mostly not aware of it. The clash between the real Dave and the Dave he thinks he is has some pretty comic seeds.
It's taken the show longer to find the funny in Dave, but I think they're getting a handle on him. He's basically a huge wuss, but he doesn't look it and he's mostly not aware of it. The clash between the real Dave and the Dave he thinks he is has some pretty comic seeds.
I liked his dazed walk off of the food truck too.
I liked his dazed walk off of the food truck too.
Credit where credit is due. If someone is perfectly cast as a low-grade shady operator from Dwight's world, Chris Gethard is that someone.
Credit where credit is due. If someone is perfectly cast as a low-grade shady operator from Dwight's world, Chris Gethard is that someone.
It sure deserves to be.
It sure deserves to be.
Alan Moore had written some Doctor Who comics stories when Tom Baker was the Doctor, before he became something like a household name. Still and all he's on record as hating all the Doctors past Hartnell, so it's no surprise he turned the offer down.
Alan Moore had written some Doctor Who comics stories when Tom Baker was the Doctor, before he became something like a household name. Still and all he's on record as hating all the Doctors past Hartnell, so it's no surprise he turned the offer down.
McCoy had a shaky start with "Time and the Rani", but my impression is that he and Cartmel both found their feet pretty quickly after that. This particular serial is one of my favorites from the classic series. The writing team's conceptual boldness really pays off in the Psychic Circus.
McCoy had a shaky start with "Time and the Rani", but my impression is that he and Cartmel both found their feet pretty quickly after that. This particular serial is one of my favorites from the classic series. The writing team's conceptual boldness really pays off in the Psychic Circus.
The first one had some good stuff related to Joey being banned from his family's Thanksgiving because he was in a public service ad about VD.
The first one had some good stuff related to Joey being banned from his family's Thanksgiving because he was in a public service ad about VD.
I keep flashing back to Penny's mother dropping litter and saying "Does that make you cry? That's because you're not an Indian!"
I keep flashing back to Penny's mother dropping litter and saying "Does that make you cry? That's because you're not an Indian!"
I've known about the Rock Bottom Remainders forever, but the whole group concept sounds like something this show would make up.
I've known about the Rock Bottom Remainders forever, but the whole group concept sounds like something this show would make up.
"You know what? I should have just said 'crazy'."