The guy who forgot to... um

As a wise man named Marshall Bruce Mathers once said, if you're sick enough to think it, you're sick enough to say it.  Once the word "rape" came up in the writer's room, there was no way it wasn't going in the script.

"Hello rich people?  Troy Barnes is coming to join you."

Oh the Patty Hearst line.  The best/worst thing is that she's almost certainly right.

Garrett as asylum doctor with a normal voice was a wonderful bonus.

Kutner in series finale:  Hey, I had you guys going, right?

I honestly didn't know when watching what that was supposed to be about.  He got the look he gets when he suddenly figures out a diagnosis, but it just ended there.  If he was looking at the CT scan, that would appear to be bad news for Wilson.  Which may also be why he seems a little more emotional than usual about

The scene where he mouths everything the DA tells him as he's saying it is very cool too.  It's like he's tortured by this dream, but he won't let that stop him from making fun of it.

I see it a little differently.  For me, "The Silence" deconstructs TZ's standard theme of poetic justice.  In some ways, that's true of both this week's episodes.  Archie belittles and insults Jamie in a way that an author avatar or Serling himself as narrator might be expected to.  Then he stacks the decks against

In a way I'd like to see AHP with the original commercials, just so we could see how Hitch was insulting.

The chief meta reason is that Jasika Nicole is still doing publicity for the show.  That better mean she's coming back.

Bell said that, but no one ever confirmed it.  He could have been lying.  He could have been misinformed.

Yeah, that had to be one of the flying purple people eaters porcupine people.

I know that they were originally looking for an older actor to play Walter, but John Noble nailed it.  As for Nina, I'm not sure.

Bill Sadler, also death in the Bill and Ted movies and Sloan on DS9.

Another thing to learn from the guest star credits:  The new and absurdly young head doctor at St Claire's is played by Walter's RL daughter.

Give or take Broyles singing Traffic hits.

I like the idea of her surviving as an adult Cortexiphan subject.  It could provide some new and exotic scenes next season.

The season DVD's deleted scenes will show Olivia playing Tiger Woods PGA tour through Peter.

Angry White New Yorker, I always thought Fred Durst was an embarassment to the world of rock, more than the world of hip hop per se.

Intergalactic, Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun, So Whatcha Want, Sure Shot (you're right about that one too), Brouhaha…  The list goes on.