I kind of hope that right after the last we see of Henry, he goes "Fuck the Real Doll, I'm gonna hump that bear." Since he's basically sort of shallow, out-and-out depravity might be a step forward for him.
I kind of hope that right after the last we see of Henry, he goes "Fuck the Real Doll, I'm gonna hump that bear." Since he's basically sort of shallow, out-and-out depravity might be a step forward for him.
Yeah, I kind of like Adams' snide bitchiness to Park. It brings up the idea that she does volunteer work and generally plays the naif on the team in order to convince herself that she's good, when she's not quite. That makes her more interesting.
Pharoah is, but I don't see him getting Weekend Update.
Something I'm curious about. When you see SNL skits with pixellated nudity, is it pixellated when shown in the studio as well? Or did the studio audience get a look at Kate McKinnon's nipples. Just wonderin'.
IIRC, Pharoah has said that he based that character on one of his real teachers. Last night was the second time he did it. It's a good lightly recurring character.
Samberg's pronunciation is acceptable, and the word is derived from French. The other two pronunciations are favored, though.
Hader is their best impressionist, so I think Lorne will try to keep him on for a little longer if he can.
I didn't like Ed Lindsey. It's natural to miss the world of your youth, but that doesn't excuse meanness towards everyone and everything in the present. He was meaner than he needed to be so no, I ddin't like him. The strength of the episode is that in the end, I was still happy for him. If his restored relative…
Shouldn't a bartender try to stop his clients from beating each other up, strictly speaking? There should probably be a picture of Don Rickles taped behind the counter, saying "Do not serve this man." My only explanation is that he's been bullied all his life too, and has just learned to go along with it. So he'll…
Yeah, mea culpa on that one. When I first saw the episode I thought it was a matter of the doppelgangers being in the business class of a large flight. But you're right. They chartered a jet down to Baltimore (I think, that's where the Blue universe guys planned to go) and a big airship wasn't needed for that.
There was also the shapeshifter form last season who was killed by Newton because he had gotten attached to his family.
Yeah, I've heard Blair Brown use it herself in an interview.
Absolutely. That look of wanting to crawl out of his skin was an emotion that Lance Reddick has never played on this show before, as far as I can recall.
One of my few complaints is that the initial Fringe incident revolved around a plane crash in the other universe. It's well established that most of their commercial flight is done by Zeppelin, and that's one of the more enjoyable aspects of their world The writer was a first-time Fringer, so maybe she was out of…
Actually from what we saw of him he seemed like a pretty decent guy. I mean, he'd probably forget a lot of anniversaries, what with his condition and all. But I don't think he'd be real particular on what his lady did with her pubes.
Britta pizza, me so hungry!
There kind of has to be a baseline, no?
"Invasive Procedures" isn't a great episode, but it's got some great guestage. I think by the time I saw this episode I'd already seen Megan Gallagher as Catherine on Millennium, but this is a totally different kind of character. That's not a chick fight she gets into with Kira. It's a real fight that just happens…
Hey, there is nothing little about my…
Oh wow, yeah. That would have played to his strengths, definitely.