Sometimes the obvious joke actually works.
The scene of him at the end of the pillow fight, attacking and then playing dead, was pure gold too.
My heart would have sunk if I didn't know that this show had NBC's most popular comedy. (While P&R isn't on and The Office is mainlining hemlock, but I'll take it.)
You caught that too, huh? Now that Leonard is a known quantity, he's another way the show can mess with us.
They did give us the right number, right?
Oh, that is a beautiful keening melody.
It's both a traumatic image and a powerful one.
Max singing the opening verse of "Like a Prayer" in a Scott Stapp voice was so tacky it couldn't help but be hilarious.
"Keep your hands where I can see 'em."
On the subject of great, funny musical theatre actresses on TMS, I believe next week's review will deal with the Bernadette Peters ep. Should be good.
Yeah, I think making Kahn his leading lady throughout the seventies may be the smartest thing Mel Brooks ever did.
I can see House rubbing off on Wilson. (Not that way! Well, not exclusively that way.) House's way of dealing with clinic patients seems to work for him, so maybe Wilson thought it was worth trying.
I like that Poole, after having blackmailed himself a promotion, sends Mr Smithers on a Carribean vacation. That's a little grace note that definitely adds some points to the episode for me.
She was about sixty when she made this but she was still pretty glamorous in other roles. Sort of like how Blair Brown can still carry off the femme fatale thing on Fringe today.
It's a good reveal, but/and it doesn't affect my sympathies. I'm on the side of the blowsy old spinster, whether she's "one of us" or "one of them." A lot of this is down to Moorehead's performance.
He had Sam protecting his ass. Although given the fact that every marriage has its ups and downs, and that he was a sexist twit in general, she must have been tempted at times to leave him at her mother's mercy.
Anyone know who played Bowman's little sister? The one who drank the DRJ Kool-Aid at the end? She looks familiar but I can't place her.
I know the big tentacled hybrid thing from "Unleashed" that layed its eggs in Charlie was there.
I think I've seen the Bluewater knockoffs you speak of, but haven't been tempted to pick them up. This one at least seems to have decent art. Sina Grace seems to have some Eddie Campbell in his bloodstream.