The guy who forgot to... um

I'm assuming he and Vanessa Bayer will both be promoted in the fall.

Del Rey's second number was pretty good.  I think it was called "Blue Jeans."  "Videogames" I could have done without.  Her collagen implants are kind of distracting.  Did she get them on a dare?

All three performances are good.  John McGiver was a treasure.  Besides episodes of Alfred Hitchcock presents and Ellery Queen, he was also the doomed liberal Republican in The Manchurian Candidate.

I've read the Collier story, and the thing to remember is that it had no pretence of being heartwarming or humanistic.  It's just a couple of pages where a guy walks into a shop and buys a love potion.  The owner offers him the "glove cleaner" and when he refuses, said owner predicts that he'll be back.  The girl in

Season 5 was fairly weak overall, but "Pip" was one of the eps that made it worthwhile.

Sorry to hear about your troubles, Zack.  I'm going to assume that you're a sufficiently Klugmanesque protagonist that we'd want you to get through them.

The movie was supposed to be "Mike Brady: The Devil's Architect."  The script had to be hastily rewritten because of Robert Reed's schedule.

Exactly.  He finds all these hidden facets in the character.

The show has actually dealt before with coffee being rare on Earth 2.  It's a byproduct of the Blight, of course.  Coffee shrubs are among the plant life that's been dying off.  I guess tea plants have been spared.  So glad this apocalypse isn't too hard on the British.

Reddick got some fine episodes in S3, mostly as Colonel Broyles.  I'd point to "The Abducted" and "Entrada."

It was a question that needed to be asked.

Faint praise right there.

Oh that sad little 3.5 second video of his.  That was something else.

I enjoyed the episode and I also find it interesting that Liz at the outset of this season seems to be more together than Jack.  She's got the dorky hobby that makes her happy, an apparent boyfriend, and enough poise to basically ignore Tracy.  He's hallucinating words from out of his baby daughter's mouth.

Also loved the classic Liz/Jenna exchange:
"When you google 'Jenna Maroney' my name comes up now.  Not the Jenna Maroney who electrocuted all those horses."
"Jenna, that was you."

It's available in Word under "insert symbols" but you have to look for it.  I'm guessing no one thought it was worth the bother.

Same here.  I watched from the start because I hoped it would be a career rebound for Casey Wilson post-SNL.  I haven't been disappointed.

Max sure made a sharp u-turn back into the apartment when Alex talked about getting naked and playing with herself.  Did he forget he was gay?  Or does he not know "Alex" can be a girl's name.

Mmm, I actually enjoy "Take Back the City."  I take my excitement where I find it.

Price had definite acting chops.  He didn't take himself too seriously, though.