Streets Behind

So each person's story relates to classic (or new) stories:
Abed & Britta - Both use the same classic story of teen lovers going out and getting killed by some escaped madmanTroy - Human Centipede  
Annie - Twilight
Shirley - Left Behind
Pierce - Who knows, reminded me of Archer so I loved it
Jeff - Just made fun of

I enjoyed the episode when I was actually paying attention. Yeah I was drifting in and out. I judge Sunny episodes based on whether I would show it to my friends that don't ever watch the show. I would not show them this episode, so in that since it failed.

Annie's Got Chekov's Gun *sung to the tune of Janie's Got a Gun*

I searched the comments, and I didn't see anyone discussing the "Negro Problem". You guys are being wonderful hosts.

Britta stole my heart with her argument with Jeff in the documentary episode. Britta FTW indeed

Well it did have Batman as basically an IT guy at the end… Nope, Community wins!

Of course the Troy timeline was the funniest. Should we rank them? I'll do it:
1. Jeff
2. Troy
3. Shirley
4. Pierce
5. Annie
6. Abed
7. Britta

Instant classic? Instant classic. I doubt any of the other shows I watch can top that tonight (Sunny, Parks, Office)

My favorite was Buoys in the Hood.

I like the show but I find that I don't really care if I see an episode or not. Maybe it's the fact that it resets after every episode (or seems to). 
I used to hate Luke because he was way too stupid compared to the other characters (even Phil). Now I find myself annoyed by Gloria (but not Sofia Vergara, that would

I didn't have a problem with anything that happened, but I wasn't totally focused on the show anyway. I also missed last week's episode. Now that I know there was no natural progression to her getting lunches from this neighbor, it does seem a bit too fast now.

Biology was a easy subject for me and I don't mind carrying a group sometimes, especially if my partner is as pretty as Britta. With that said:
1. Britta
2. Abed - We could talk about all the stuff we have in common entertainment wise,
3. Shirley - The surprise pick because I could see her as being close like a cousin.

I agree. Arguing over most popular in a group really is a terrible thing to do, but it also entertained me so I let it slide. Plus is still can't help but like them. Like Olivececile said above, they are heightened versions of reality, so going over the top like that is acceptable, for me.

I've noticed a lot of people saying they didn't like the group being so mean to Todd. They say it's out of character, but I disagree with that assessment. Haven't we been shown since the first season that the study group is a bunch of assholes? This episode just really pounded that point to death. I understand not

Todd personally informed me it would be ready by 1AM EST.

I actually stopped watching a few years back because Michael's incompetence became too unbelievable even for the show. I started watching this season because he left. Last thing I want is him being replaced with formerly semi-competent people becoming complete dumbasses.

I can't recall this ever happening. Is this a first? (Doubt it)

I decided this morning to watch this show tomorrow.

First episode I ever saw
I'd never even heard of the show until my brother and I happened to catch this episode. I'd say this expanded our enjoyment of anime from just DBZ which was a nice revelation. I'll never forget watching it and seeing that scene (screen capped above) and feeling like I found the greatest thing

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