
Although if I ever see a Cubs vs. White Sox World Series in my lifetime I'll lose my god damn mind

As a White Sox fan, I should want the Cubs to lose, but I think 100+ years of waiting is enough for any team to get a championship title, it's time for them

We're 1-3 now killing off the 0-16 shot, anything is possible!

I'm excited to see the Blackhawks play again, hockey's a blast

“Tell you what. I’ll help you with your shredded ligament problem if you help me with my butt sweat problem.” I laughed at that for way too long

Bradford has been doing a hell of a job thus far, it's been fun watching them play

Congrats on the new gig! Go Jets!

The White Sox got rid of Ventura! Cubs playoffs starts tonight

I'm beginning to wonder if the Bills just got extremely lucky the last two weeks, or they really are that good

A small part of me wants to see that, just so the Browns don't go 0-5. The rest of me thinks this game is going to be highly comical


I loved Accelerate, Mr. Richards kicks ass

So expect something like the Houston game? Understood

That's a really good question

WOW, and TB went to the playoffs two years later, hell of a turnaround

Godspeed to your Liverpool team, hope they stay undefeated

In a certain turn of events, Jay Culter leaves the city of Chicago for the Jets. The city celebrates!

That's going to be one ugly game, those poor brownies

The Lions have luck the worst luck possible, I feel incredibly sorry for them. They totally could have gotten a playoff spot last year if it wasn't for the imbecile OC

But the rookies we got are going to be big someday! Maybe :(