If Bonnie and Clyde lived today then police cars would have radios, and it'd be a little harder to ambush the pursuing car and then be scot free.
If Bonnie and Clyde lived today then police cars would have radios, and it'd be a little harder to ambush the pursuing car and then be scot free.
If Bonnie and Clyde lived today then police cars would have radios, and it'd be a little harder to ambush the pursuing car and then be scot free.
Original? I'm not sure that they were the first pair of career criminals.
Original? I'm not sure that they were the first pair of career criminals.
@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus dying of brain parasites?
@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus dying of brain parasites?
Ray Wise?
Ray Wise?
Why must you take the fun out of getting herpes? Why?
Why must you take the fun out of getting herpes? Why?
The assumption that Goebbel's intention was to promote wholesale genocide, while true, rather ignores the larger facets of Third Reich's plan to kick off a 1,000 year reign or what-have-you.
The assumption that Goebbel's intention was to promote wholesale genocide, while true, rather ignores the larger facets of Third Reich's plan to kick off a 1,000 year reign or what-have-you.
You shift uncomfortably and, taking that chance, trust the fart. Things go well… and good thing you're wearing activated charcoal shorts!
You shift uncomfortably and, taking that chance, trust the fart. Things go well… and good thing you're wearing activated charcoal shorts!
Yeah. Tell that fool to leave the faucet running while he's up to no good, if need be.
Yeah. Tell that fool to leave the faucet running while he's up to no good, if need be.
Let me [buy] you a drink at the bar and you can dry your tears, man.
Let me [buy] you a drink at the bar and you can dry your tears, man.
Actually, I had heard that Hitler was a chronic masturbater… but until now, it never occurred to me that someone might write that out of spite, rather than as an objective fact.
Actually, I had heard that Hitler was a chronic masturbater… but until now, it never occurred to me that someone might write that out of spite, rather than as an objective fact.