Mister Digits

Word on the street is that Duluth was no. 3 on the Soviet hit list because, were bombers to come over the pole, Duluth is where the intercepting fighters would take off from.  Also, there were surface-to-air missile sites up by Two Harbors and who knows where else.

The U.P.?  Lemme give that a "woop woop" just cause I was born in Marquette and'll be spending a couple of weeks outside of Manistique in August.

The U.P.?  Lemme give that a "woop woop" just cause I was born in Marquette and'll be spending a couple of weeks outside of Manistique in August.

Post-coital looks at contretemps can be quite an amusing diversion, however.

Post-coital looks at contretemps can be quite an amusing diversion, however.

Whoa.  I had an alright joke (a little crude, sure) and it got "disappeared".

Whoa.  I had an alright joke (a little crude, sure) and it got "disappeared".

It's also a 'Harold & Kumar' reference, but I'm not sure whether that movie is supposed to be cool or not.  As I place 'Biodome' higher in my stoner cannon I'll leave that for others to decide.

It's also a 'Harold & Kumar' reference, but I'm not sure whether that movie is supposed to be cool or not.  As I place 'Biodome' higher in my stoner cannon I'll leave that for others to decide.

Bah; anybody who wants to hit home runs would be happy to use a corked bat.

Bah; anybody who wants to hit home runs would be happy to use a corked bat.

He has tits, but they are mirthless tits.

He has tits, but they are mirthless tits.

I'm pretty sure if you're rocking a McDonald's burger it is by default treyf, or haraam, or something.  A little bacon could be between them and their Daddy.

I'm pretty sure if you're rocking a McDonald's burger it is by default treyf, or haraam, or something.  A little bacon could be between them and their Daddy.

The Right Honorable Barnaby Macauley Ackroyd, Barrister.

The Right Honorable Barnaby Macauley Ackroyd, Barrister.

I don't know what it was, or whether it was good or not, but one of my (many) regrets is not picking up a "hippie toast" at McDonald's in France in the late '90s.

I don't know what it was, or whether it was good or not, but one of my (many) regrets is not picking up a "hippie toast" at McDonald's in France in the late '90s.

Honest question: do the Palestinians have academic institutions that would be capable of producing "some of the most important… 'pro' Palestinian research and literature"?