Phineas Fogg

This pretty baldly references a David Lachapelle/Amanda Lepore art film from 2001. (And wasn't Rihanna just sued for ripping off Lachapelle? Somebody in hip hop promotionworld has good taste and possibly doesn't learn from history.) It was pretty landmark and provocative, and was also an ad for MAC, so you can't

Seconded. Have you read the investor report released yesterday? They are not making money on streaming; it's propped up by the DVD business. And a really high percentage of their streaming views are of 11 Disney movies which they'll lose in another month.

So true! Although I find that surprising. The easiest way to drive off my sister is to play either Diamanda or Yma Sumac, a strategy I accidentally discovered this Christmas.

I like atonal music and quite a few voices that annoy a broad swath of the population, for whatever reason. When I was in a dorm and wanted to be left alone, I'd play Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, Alien Sex Fiend, or Philip Glass. It didn't even have to be loud. Nor did I ever have to kick it up to Schoenberg levels, which I

I had the opposite experience - this is one of the few movies I think is much better than the book, which I found unfocused, repetitive, and fairly one-trick.

Those shorts distorted spacetime. They made that model's thighs look huge. That model's thighs are not huge. That model's thighs go beyond zero percent body fat to body fat expressed in negative numbers, ionic fatlessness which temporarily "borrows" the fat cells of passersby to stabilize the model's volatile orbit,

Conspicuously absent: Batty Batterson and Grumpire.

I know plenty of women who'd wear Kimberly's clothes, including women who like to emphasize their asses. Thing is, all of them are black. And no matter how much money black women spend on their clothes or how many black musicians walk the red carpet in couture, they don't exist in "high fashion" as far as Heidi and

I'm about to have a newborn. What's the call: do I leave it to cry in another room when I watch a TV show or use my computer, or do I allow it to be breastfed in the company of the dangerous soul-sucking screen? I guess I could quit my job so I don't have to use a computer or my TV any more (yes I use my TV for work)

As a math nerd, I found throwing the ball around at 12 years old excruciating. (In the sun, no less! Where I would get sunburnt!) As an adult, I get to obsess over stats, batting order, contract extensions, and pitching mechanics. Plus I can buy my own beer and hot dog. Thus I make the counterargument: Adult baseball

Right with you . . . when it's a film that's $10,000 out of the director's pocket. I have been that director. I have had an all-volunteer crew. I owe them my blood. I owe them my firstborn. I have worked for free on projects of theirs in return.

As someone who works in the industry, I agree this is sketchy. This sounds like PAs being called interns so the production company can get around union rules. For a film of that size, they should be making around $100 a day.

candymakers turn away from NASA
Silly ice cream? What was wrong with astronauts? How did something meant to be consumed in space become not cool enough?

O Numbers, continued
collapsed. . . into a straight line.

Oh Numbers
Is 459 love because it is a right triangle?

Please don't make me watch this to find out. It's not worth it.
Did Tom Hanks pee in this movie? It's not a real Tom Hanks movie unless he pees in an inventive way. (See also: John Cusack must get rained on)

Women, Attractiveness of
Jesus Christ. Could we just once have a comment thread on a post about an actress under 40 which is not at least 40% about how fuckable she is or isn't? It's really off-putting.

I had to spend something like 7 minutes in the "feminine hygiene" aisle of CVS yesterday searching for maxi pads that weren't scented. (It's the new thing, apparently.) Why I would want my vag to smell like mint or something is beyond me, and I resent the lost time. That shit should have taken me 30 seconds.

The essential lesson of the first few comment threads: don't try to co-opt ZMF. Though you may love him, he is not part of your movement, and you can't call his shots. Like Bob Dylan, he will not be PWNED.

Rourke most definitely plays the character to the hilt. When he's on, he's on, and at a time when he's most associated with tough guy gone to seed roles (Sin City, The Wrestler), it's startling to see him play something so yielding and guileless - the way he makes everything seem totally, winningly innocent.