
It's remarkable to me that this show has ran for 8 seasons and not once did they ever do the "Dexter is losing the ability to control his urge to kill" plot line.

I remember this girl bought cheap lipstick and kissed everyone's yearbook at my middle school graduation. I'll probably do that.

Worried about taking Sleepy Hallow first overall, now.

Oh, c'mon bros. It's just some bros being bros and bro'in out with their dads who are older bros. Gonna have some bro humor.

I feel I owe it to the AVC commenters

And giving them all weapons…in a bar.

Gave this one an A- just because they didn't find a way to have Uncle Jack interact with Charlie. Charlie's tepid fear of his pedophile uncle is one of the funniest things I've ever seen this show do.

Then Sweet D can help him record an episode of the Monday Morning Podcast with Bill Burr. He's gotta kill time somehow.

Full disclosure, I didn't feel like finding a link to stream this dogshit since like episode three.

Read through probably over two hundred comments while killing time before lunch at work and this is the only one I decided to comment-praise. Terrific insight.

Let me clarify:

I'm no one to tell Oswalt how to "do" comedy, but I think it would be funnier if he had made the tweets a little more convincingly conservative and then followed them up with the second part. I can't imagine anyone who matters thought that these were "seemingly conservative" as Marah asserted.

Imagine how loaded Michael C. Hall has to get after reading these scripts.

Forgot about him. A testament to how forgetful S5 was. Didn't put it together that he's in Elementary.

Random thought because I didn't feel like finding a link to stream this show:

Waiting for Nancy Grace to enter The Newsroom's ever-devolving love octagon.

Hannibal explored the topic of psychopathy better in one season than Dexter has in 8 or 9 or however many we're on now.

Imagine the director going over season 3 w/ whatever actor plays Theon.

From my perspective the scene on the boat more accurately represented psychopathy than maybe anything since the first season. Dexter kills because he wants to kill. He doesn't give a shit how that affects anyone else. He does it because he can get away with it.

From my perspective the scene on the boat more accurately represented psychopathy than maybe anything since the first season. Dexter kills because he wants to kill. He doesn't give a shit how that affects anyone else. He does it because he can get away with it.