Okay, I wasn't sure. It's been so long since the show last aired that I was still trying to remember how they were saved from hanging off the cliff, and I just assumed it was something else I'd forgotten.
Okay, I wasn't sure. It's been so long since the show last aired that I was still trying to remember how they were saved from hanging off the cliff, and I just assumed it was something else I'd forgotten.
Who shot who in the what now?
When Olive and Ned were in the van with the other dudes, they were talking about the time the river came up and filled the Pie Hole with fish or something. Did I completely miss an episode, or were they referring to something that happened off-screen?
I was wondering the same thing.
And Surprise from S2. She's no slouch with the angst.
Yeah, Gunn is a better badass than Faith, but his "I'm so street" dialogue is still pretty stiff, I think. But I do love him, especially when his personality begins to gel more with Angel and Wesley (who are fairly badass in their own way).
But also on "Grey's Anatomy" AND "Private Practice." Not sure where that leaves her, karmically speaking.
Some of my favorite Angel character moments were of him trying to learn how to use his cell phone. I always got a kick of out being reminded that Angel is essentially a grumpy senior citizen.
In Dushku's defense, I would suggest that maybe the fault for Faith being Poochie-like lies with the writing as much as the performance. I don't know much about Joss Whedon's or his writers' private lives, but it's possible that they're all, you know, slightly overprivileged nerds who have no personal experience with…
I'm aliiiiiive, and so are you!
For some reason, I've always really liked the line "I'm Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. And you are?" Anytime Buffy asserts her identity, knowing all the attendant sucky baggage, I feel kind of proud of her.
Bob's was the first thing I thought of when I saw this article. I think he used to be Bob's Discount Furniture and Wholesale Waterbeds, right?
I really, really hope neither side wins the debate of Science vs. Faith, but I think it's very likely that Faith will win. Following your gut/acting on instinct/thinking with your heart, i.e, not using your brain and your reason is ALWAYS portrayed as being better, or more human, or whatever.
It's a real slice of fried gold.
Oh come on! You love the talking stove!
I assumed those weren't purposeful references as much as they were involuntary references. Abrams might not have realized he was doing it; I think he's just got Star Wars running in a perpetual loop in his brain.
I think I read somewhere that this was filmed during the writers' strike, so they were stuck with the draft they had. I wonder how things might have been different had they been allowed to do rewrites.
Zach, I wouldn't mind seeing some TNG reviews. Just do all the Picard, Data and Worf-centric episodes, and screw the rest. Oh, and the one with Scotty.
I assume this is the AV Club's final solution to the whining about letter grades problem.