
Deadman was cool. Wish we could have seen more of him

How can you not love this episode? Anyhow, really stoked to see Hammil in the Flash.

Oh yeah I forget about that.

This episode was pretty solid. Last speaking appearence of Green Arrow I believe.

Do I need to get my ears checked or did Wells say Batman?

Yeah this episode was weak but still entertaining enough. Great to hear Malcom McDowell reprise his role as Metallo though.

"Someone in the comments last week mentioned that season three of JLU feels like an afterthought after the maturity and scope of season two, but I have to disagree."

Really like how Hawkman was incorperated into this show.

Well I'm late. But JLU reviews are back!!!!

Man you really hate Nolan don't you?

No ones talking about the ending?

I saw this comment on ign.

Did anyone else kinda chuckle when Laurel got beat up?

Great episode imo. Really enjoying the show.

I like that the villain of this episode was a metaphorical way of Barry realizing he cant outrun everything

Love the actors who play Harvey Bullock and Penguin.

Is it wrong that I enjoy this show? It aint perfect but c- is really harsh.

The unrated cut is better. More action and better pacing. It's also the closest will ever get to a rated R wolverine movie. If your interested, you can rent the unrated cut on itunes.

YAY you replied back!!!!

Sam, I'm sorry but I can't hold it in any longer. I am hopelessly in love with you. I want to spend every night of the rest of our lives with our genitalia intertwined in a sexual fashion. I beg you, if you give me the chance, I will make you climax so hard that the Gods will tremble at the mere thought. I will give