
God I dislike this episode. I feel so bad for Task Force X though. All that trouble to get the annihilator armor was for nothing

Wow I was actually screaming at my tv at the ending. Definitely brought this episode to an A in my book.

Yeah I think so. Unless you count the phantasm showing up in the epilogue episode.

This episode is so awesome. I screeched like a girl the first time I saw clock king

Yeah that's true. Ironically though we got character development for bruce's rogues gallery in batman beyond. (Joker, Freeze, and Ra's). Actually now that I think about, I think Power's and Inque got a lot of character development as well.

You kinda make it sound as if you don't like Batman Beyond. Granted I haven't watched the show in a long time but their were some great to amazing episodes. Especially the first two seasons.

Whaaat? I loved this episode. oh well to each his own i guess

Yeah that's weird most people consider B:TAS to be one of the most mature cartoons ever. (Well for a cartoon who's target demographic are kids).

Huh, I watched this episode last night and I liked it a lot more than I did the first time it aired.

I see your point, but I still feel as a whole this episode was stronger. I mean take a look at the fight sequences in this episode. It's filmed beatifully while last weeks episode had a ridiculous amount of shaky cam. But still, you gave a pretty fair assesment.

An A- is a great score. But it bugs me that last weeks episode, (which was pretty medicore imo) got an A while this incredible episode gets a slightly lower score.

Yes finally its back. Love this episode as well. Green arrow and Black Canary have fantastic chemistry

Haha everyone over at ign is raging about the score

I get what your saying, but I think the point was to show how haunted wolverine is by jean. By the end of the movie, wolverine accepts that its time to move on. Anyways, the unrated version is basically for the fans that wanted more action and some extra character scenes. (There's a really cool fight with some ninjas

I actually really dug the movie cause it really focused on its characters and its setting. It was a lot better than the other superhero movies than came out last year. Man of steel was a teribble film, Thor 2 was extremely bland and generic, and iron man 3 suffered from too much stupid slapstick humor every 5 seconds.

Trust me, if you get the chance, watch the unrated version. It's far superior. When I first watched the thetrical realese, I found a couple scenes really dragging. However, when watching the extended cut, Logan actually drops a couple f-bombs and there's more action. Not only is there more action, it actually gets

ugh arkham origins was such a let down

I was very dissapointed in arkam origins. First off, WB montreal plays it too safe. Origins is an exact replica of arkham city. Origins brought nothing new to the table. Hell even the combat is a step down from arkham city. It feels a lot less fluid and many times my attacts would miss for no reason. Furthermore, the

I was very dissapointed in arkam origins. First off, WB montreal plays it too safe. Origins is an exact replica of arkham city. Origins brought nothing new to the table. Furthermore, the game is extremly bugged and not as detailed as the previous games. Makes the game feel rushed and unpolished. The ridder stuff is

Cool. At least you know your jewish roots. Many people dont