gaucho's my favorite, the super-polished sound is kinda awesome
gaucho's my favorite, the super-polished sound is kinda awesome
i mean they might be funny, i can't tell cause they don't try to tell jokes
howard and kulap were good but why do garfunkel and oates keep doing comedy podcasts
yeah slapping a woman in a video for comedy jokes is a problem, but if it's a racial one, that's not Tyler's fault. it's the same argument idiots use when they claim rappers shouldn't write about "guns and bling and hoes" or whatever the fuck because it sets a bad example. why should black people have to conform to…
right, again, how dare black people express themselves in a way that white people might not approve of?
yeah, still trying to figure out what problem "over-educated black men and women" would have with a rap video, cause that seemed to be your implication
yeah how dare black people express themselves in a way that white people might not approve of?
holy shit that violent femmes album was fucking 30 years ago
i dunno it's pretty amazing that he's finding courage on stage after his own death
"You should consider judging music for yourself instead of disliking bands because critics like them."
yeah of course, i meant subconscious in that i doubt anyone actively sets out to hate the black keys for the social class they project (and it's news to me that coming from a middle class family, dropping out of college and starting a DIY rock band makes you more "blue collar" than the dozens of indie bands with…
meaning what
i really doubt there's any kind of subconscious class warfare thing going on. these dudes are just boring, one-note wallpaper.
i learned something
i think bullying is a verb
i don't know any 14 year old girls so i never really gave a shit about any of this
there's something about this show where the jokes are funny when they happen but a lot funnier when they're described
*eating Arby's
a big part of it is like, you know what you're getting with von trier or whoever but this was my first woody allen movie and it totally blindsided me. still probably my favorite of his.
purple rose of cairo