
Also I feel it's worth noting that my first post ever was a first. On X-Files no less. First. Canceraids.

Also, has Daniel Craig hosted before? Regardless it should be interesting.

Also, has Daniel Craig hosted before? Regardless it should be interesting.

I feel kind of terrible saying this but I felt last weeks was better. Maybe just better writing? I dislike Seth M. and love JoGoLe but even though this week was high energy, great use of cast and well done, I just barely laughed. Plain and simple. I think it comes down to how much they give Hader to do. The day he

I feel kind of terrible saying this but I felt last weeks was better. Maybe just better writing? I dislike Seth M. and love JoGoLe but even though this week was high energy, great use of cast and well done, I just barely laughed. Plain and simple. I think it comes down to how much they give Hader to do. The day he

So….I'm out of new things to watch. Genuinely. Where do I start with this show? Obviously the reboot from 6 or so years ago?

So….I'm out of new things to watch. Genuinely. Where do I start with this show? Obviously the reboot from 6 or so years ago?

Agreed! I wasn't being a meanie bow neanie….kisses.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the unnatural a few weeks from now.

Agreed! I wasn't being a meanie bow neanie….kisses.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the unnatural a few weeks from now.

Is this episode considered better or worse than the Brady Bunch ep. in ssn. ummm 9? Or are they even comparable? For whatever reason when I think of Arcadia I think of that episode too. Even though I think that's a two parter with absolutely no Mulder.

Is this episode considered better or worse than the Brady Bunch ep. in ssn. ummm 9? Or are they even comparable? For whatever reason when I think of Arcadia I think of that episode too. Even though I think that's a two parter with absolutely no Mulder.

Honestly I'm really tired right now and maybe once I get some rest the review will make more sense. It just seemed like a decent portion of it was negative or cloudy and then…a B+! I like Todd though so I'll just assume it's me not him.

Honestly I'm really tired right now and maybe once I get some rest the review will make more sense. It just seemed like a decent portion of it was negative or cloudy and then…a B+! I like Todd though so I'll just assume it's me not him.

Agreed, anytime you put those two hotties in a "lets play house" scenario it's at least going to be enjoyable. It's probably best to not overthink this one and just enjoy it. But I too was surprised at the B+ given the review itself.

Agreed, anytime you put those two hotties in a "lets play house" scenario it's at least going to be enjoyable. It's probably best to not overthink this one and just enjoy it. But I too was surprised at the B+ given the review itself.

So….I still don't know if Todd likes this episode of the X-files…or is impartial…or hates it. B+ though…the comedy schtick was getting old by this point but I still like this one. Make me a sandwich?

So….I still don't know if Todd likes this episode of the X-files…or is impartial…or hates it. B+ though…the comedy schtick was getting old by this point but I still like this one. Make me a sandwich?