Anon E. Muss

Already did on GoT.

"….alongside a fellow detective played by Rose Leslie." You had my curiosity, Luther, but now you have my attention.

This is the same guy who said men have a rape instinct, so.

I think he's trying to imply that people in decent shape are all crazed, omni-sexual fuck machines.

Different domestic situation than we're used to, I think is the answer. When it's your whole extended family under one roof, I imagine a certain amount of tact is expected.

Not to mention that Rome would have preferred the Jews get on board with the cult of the divus emperor and the deified Rome.

"Undermining the religion" is probably a bad interpretation for that episode.

Not sure how you get there, but okay.

The temple was not a center for the state religion. It was exclusively Yahwistic (having weathered various attempts to change that).

Whether or not it's true, it's not contradictory to peacefulness, as you claimed.

And I don't know what you take to be contradictory vis-a-vis Caesar and the temple, but alright.

You realize the "sword" thing is a metaphor, right? He explains himself: he means he's there to cause controversy. "For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household."

That was actually the signal for me that he wasn't going to Japan (although the fact that it said "booked flight" without showing the destination was a hint, too). It would have been somewhat out of character to seat Dev right next to a couple of East Asian passengers if he were actually going to Asia.

Just Fucking Stop It, Internet. We're All So Very Tired.

Yeah, so this looks terrible.

LaBitch is a cadet branch of the House of Bitchery.

I wonder how many of his psychical problems can be explained by the fact that he is literally named after beef.

"Tommy Lee was pretty close to being the next Bonham"

That sheriff fights like a real asshole. But the other dude did hit him with some illegal elbows.

Somehow I don't think he intends this to serve as a summary of his deepest, most personal desires.