Anon E. Muss

Biblical names were fine (e.g., Jonathan Edwards), but non-biblical saints were kind of a no-no.

Cotton was named for his mother's family (i.e., Cotton was her maiden name). It wasn't an uncommon practice: Mr. Darcy is named "Fitzwilliam" after his mother's family, too.

Who isn't head over heels for Ygritte? Rose Leslie, man. Rose Leslie.

Just as long as he doesn't leave you Munsoned out there.

Mal Reynolds, I think. Play some weird holographic pool, couple of shots. Nice night.

We don't think we have an independent book. It's all one canon, from our point of view. Whether that gives us proprietary rights is obviously a separate question, but the gospels and epistles don't hang together without the law and the prophets.

He presumably went to high school, no?

He's not bringing it to white audiences, he's bringing it to old and scared white audiences. Which is why he will sweep the Grammys whenever the fuck he puts out an album. "Finally," they say, "rapping used in an uplifting way!"

I'm 23, and let me tell you, I'm not wearing, like, plugs and knit hats in the summer, okay? Own your mistakes.

Ugh, that dude has the douchiest combo of terrible beard and frosted tips.

Did they really not get the joke about The Cranberries? Y'know, "Zombie"….?

Fair enough, and I'll admit my WWII chronology isn't as sharp as it used to (or could) be. As you say, though, D-Day is at least a more immediate concern to the Germans.

In minor defense of that line from Basterds (not saying anything about the broader, "American wins the day" stuff, which is definitely inaccurate), it would make sense for the Germans to fixate on the US's entry into the European theater. Germany was concerned to keep America out of the war as long as possible, so our

Three miles up!
Three miles down!

"People II" is a strange, wonderful song.

Not exactly my point.

Seriously. The ending is God coming to answer in a whirlwind.

Okay, I've read Rasselas, and it's not principally about slavery. It's a philosophical story about the possibility of human happiness.

A.) The reason I am focusing on Christianity is because I made a claim regarding European history particularly. You seem to have forgotten that. And I am particular about Christianity because I am a Christian. I have no reason to be especially concerned about the state of opinion on Islam, etcetera, except insofar as

Not all Christians are in favor of bowdlerizing the shit out of everything.