Anon E. Muss

I wasn't referring to Moore's reasoning, but to El Dan's. "I'm with her all the time" is a shitty excuse for infidelity.

I think we might mean different things by "judge its badness."

That is true, but is also distinct from the proposition "infidelity is bad." Its badness can be more or less mitigated by other factors, but my only contention is that it is, in itself, a bad thing to do.

It's a view based on a non-psychological philosophy of morality. Those are unpopular these days, I'll admit, but, well, I guess I'm just a hidebound conservative obscurantist.

Cocker's version of "A Little Help" is also noteworthy for featuring Jimmy Page toward the end of his time as a session musician and Procol Harum's drummer.

Well, yeah…

He started learning some Saxon last season, in order to help trick the English. We had one scene last year, actually, where we had a full-blown parley between the two sides each speaking the appropriate tongue. With a reasonable knowledge of modern German, even I was able to follow some of it, so I assume that they

My one regret…. is not curing…. my bonitis….

Sure. Doesn't mean that it's good. Doesn't mean that we can't say what he did was wrong.

Regardless of whether or not they were "still in love," cheating on a spouse is, if nothing else, a breach of trust and a lie. Get divorced if you want to. Don't pretend that you're abiding by the arrangement when you aren't.

I really hate this line of reasoning. "Ugh, spend time with my wife? Where does it end???? Better go betray her trust!"

So does my outer Calvinist.


Which fictional worlds do you guys think were most prominent in the pastiche?

"Keep it floppy, women are objects."

So was I, but that movie sucked shit.

Really? Deerhunter isn't hipster, but Vampire Weekend might be?

Cool. Nice bit of weird fiction to pull up.