Anon E. Muss

I'm hoping for some appearances by Sasha, Michael, and Gay Michael.

Nick was walking up to the bar and asked for a beer- the bartender says "Heisler?" Implying that he was ordering his first. Then he doesn't drink it.

I don't know if it counts as a quote, but just Schmidt saying "crack cuh-caine."

He had, like, a quarter of a beer…

Every single thing you just said applies to me. I'm a 22 year old dude, I liked the touch of playing that song in that context, and I think Jess/Nick is way better at this point than Jim/Pam.

Home Depots in CA sell cases. And grocery stores sell bottles.

I find this song easy to masturbate to.

@cpjones79:disqus It was "Where's Firefly?"

"Jehovah" ain't the real name. When Jewish scribes would copy out the name YHWH, they would sometimes insert the Greek vowels next to/above it in "Adonai" ("Lord") to remind the reader to say that instead of the divine name. Some German researcher didn't realize that and assumed it was trying to indicate "Yahowah."

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus ….Yeah, alright.

Okay, I guess I'm prepared to accept that it's just really alien to my experience. Well, and that it's aimed at children.

She's Armenian, right? So, while blonde is not appropriate, white is… right?

@avclub-d7d1e0309597c93cda923d6b631281cc:disqus This is something that's always mystified me: maybe it's because I was raised Christian (like, for real), but how does anybody miss the Jesusy bits in Narnia? Ignoring the use of "sons of Adam and daughters of Eve" and the fact that the lion is one of the major

I just (like, a few months ago) played Macduff in a production. In the duel against Macbeth, I got a contusion on my hand… He was, um, enthusiastic with the sword.

Some of us believe in objective morality.

Are you asking me if I'm gay? I'm not. That doesn't mean it's not offensive.

This whole "homosexuality is so cool and edgy" aesthetic he's got going on is not only terrible as art, it's also pretty fucking condescending to gay people.

@leave_the_silver_city:disqus Yep, that was G Gundam. If I remember correctly, the Canadian was a lumberjack.

It made me intensely uncomfortable. It's like It's Always Sunny if nothing funny happened. And if Dennis and Fat Mac were one person.

@avclub-e5438bd5e7a11caaf7c625d9d5ab7b50:disqus Actually, the primary meaning is "kingdom" and Reich alone can also mean empire. The German Lord's Prayer, for instance, has "Denn dein ist das Reich" where the English has "For thine is the kingdom."